Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

I think Blizz can fix it by giving Horde undead Night elves. The quest giver even says that some of the Night elves are staying with Forsaken for whatever reason.

This is in stark opposition to the 1:1 ratio they were using for druids before. Again, who cares?

So why the hell don’t nightborne get it too?
Seems lopsided.


Paladins were Alliance-only before TBC while druids weren’t. The Horde equivalent would be shamans, and there are something like twice as many Horde-only races that can play shaman compared to Alliance-only races

Undead Druids and Paladins are abominations, and should not exist. It is as bad as LFD DKs existing.

Goodness, the madness in these forums is going to ruin this game so much that no one will actually want to play it anymore.

Turn-about is fair play.

What was it? We’re not being antagonistic towards you, we’re just stating our opinions?

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We’re used to it.

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I’m pretty happy about orc priest finally opening up, since orc shadow priest honestly has tonnes of lore support.

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Your turn-about is being directed at the wrong individual. If I got on my High Elf character, would that change your tone towards me?

Same question as above.

Imagine stating your disappointment about Nightborne not getting red eyes (and saying nothing about Void Elf removal of customization options) and getting so many snarky Void Elf responses. Yeesh.


People keep saying this crap, so I assume they haven’t bothered to actually do the quests involved. The dark ranger lady specifically says that some of their number were shunned, and don’t feel like they belong with the Forsaken. Understandable, given that a lot of them were recently raised Night Elves from the attack on Darkshore/Teldrassil.

Nightborne don’t get it because they were shut off from everyone else for thousands(?) of years and have nothing to do with any of this.

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That’s okay.

Meanwhile, they just opened up the ugliest can of worms and killed 2 entire class identities as well as 3 races and their identities for these options. So pathetic. This game has less than 4 years remaining.

They even gave the “Of Lordaeron” title to the Alliance too.
All Blizzard does is give Horde things to the Alliance, then kill Horde characters.


Yay :smiley: Giving players more customization/RP tools in an MMORPG? I love it :smiley: :hugs: :revolving_hearts:




tbh orc priest was the only one of the new additions that really had any specific lore support. It’s more of a fringe case.

This is what I wanted. TBH. Could just let us make night elves on horde with the customization. I would be very happy if they did that. Or give night elf stuff to nightborne and skintones/eyecolors. Then it would be even.

Although alliance getting to play undead druids is cool, gonna race change one of my alliance druids to that. Probably the worgen.

What is this gaslighting? You pretending the last three years didn’t exist or something?

We didn’t dogpile you when Blood Elves got blue and purple eyes.

We sit here every day being told our race tag says Void Elf and not High Elf despite Ely Canons quote about the customizations being for High Elves.

Once again, purple and blue eyes.

I don’t know about you, but I have always been very civil, even in my disagreements. I didn’t agree with Void Elves getting High Elf options but I was never antagonistic.

You may not have. Unfortunately, some players did. Either way, I am loving the purple eyes.

Yes well, take your ire elsewhere. You are directing it at the wrong individual.

They can give blood elves the crappy void elf hair colors that hardly anyone actually wants when they give void elves the blood elf hairstyles. For my male void elf characters I require the blood elf hairstyles named “Foxtail” and “Prince” (a short hairstyle added in BfA). The “Flayer” hairstyle that void elves have is the closest thing to the blood elf “Foxtail” style and it’s definitely not as good

Blood elves having high elves that didn’t get effected by fel is lore plausible. Since they could have been gone from the city when that was going on or been rich and have magical goods stocked up, and still take up the name of blood elves. Or been like in Dalaran studying with nutrition up there.

There is literally no lore supporting undead void elves though.