Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

I understand where you are coming from but I don’t think it’s fair to direct it at Feyrre


what are these dark ranger options yall are talking about?

I’m just going to post this again for anyone who missed it/is ignoring it as the explanation to why void elves have it.

Blizzard realized the mistake they made with void elves, they’re treating them more like high elves now.

Don’t worry about it, he’s got a weird history with women in the WoW community.


I think it was to make up for Horde getting 6 new race/class combos while Alliance gets 2 in Dragonflight.

Big yikes there.


We’re your edgier cousins and the voices inside my head are telling me to annoy you.

blizz doesnt care about the lore anymore. why are there dark ranger druids and paladins? makes 0 sense.

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Tell the voices in your head that I’m tired and they can come back after my caffeine tomorrow morning.


Can we just get customizations for races other than Elves after this?


imagine getting upset about an optional customization in a video game. its just pixels lol

No, this game exists exclusively for Alliance elf players now.


Are you not an alt of the other fire named blood elf characters? squints

I’m sorry, but this is crap, so we don’t get a dark ranger class, we got a dark ranger skin mog?

Hey Devs, lazy called. Said your just killing it.

Who on earth’s alt would I be? This is the only character I post on, ever, lol. Feel free to check accounts to confirm that.

By the way, the name is Fay-ruh. It is a fairy name. Not fire. It is based on a novel.

Ahh, well, I apologize then. There was like… a Firebusch or something? I don’t know. It’s been like… four years of internecine warfare here.

Hi, nice to meet you.

That would explain the antagonism. Apology accepted.

Don’t forget the collar.


We were the original Dark Elves till those floozie Blood and Void Elves stole our edge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: