Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Didn’t the quest that gave the option basically end with “hey we have some of your undead who want to go back are you ok with that” to which the lore character said ok, and we got the achievement. Out of rp context I understand this is as, they don’t want to make another blood elf recolor as a new allied race. In game though I understand it as them just lumping some of those dead high elf archers in with the night elves the horde sent back.


I wanted the options for BEs, but I was fine if they locked Paladins out.

Doesn’t Alliance have more paladins? Why are we doing whataboutisms?

A lot of sad Nightborne today. Including myself. :frowning: Would kill to have Dark Ranger options for my spicy little NB.


Yea and in typical Blizz fashion they didn’t lock them out or nelf druids. It’s so disgusting honestly watching them throw away important established lore for this :poop:

And really VEs needed a 3rd thing at all. :clown_face:

DHs and DKs also can’t use the option, not sure what kind of clownery Blizz decided to pull today but this was not it.


Why do void elves get it? That’s actually ridiculous

Now VE can be 3 flavors of elf, congratulations, that race as no identity anymore


Exactly. That’s why it’s petty.

Blood elves got the thing they wanted for a long time, but are mad someone else got it. It’s petty.

You mean an undead night elf, not a nightborne.

And if they’re throwing lore out anyways why did they leave NB out

Why do 2 Alliance races get a Horde factions / subgroup options (again this just happened when BEs lost visual uniqueness so the same situation all over again) and then only 1 horde race gets the options of what should be a Horde group


I’m not mad anyone got anything. I don’t understand it really, but I’m not mad. You’re picking a fight with the wrong person. I said specifically that I think if two races on the Alliance got it, two races on the Horde should get it. Not the removal of any options for anyone.


Ally has 2 more pallies, priests, and mages. Horde has one more druid, monk, and 4 shamans. Both add up to 6 above the other faction total. The one more druid argument is made by nerds too lazy too look at the actual numbers.

That balance may or may not be disturbed come Dragonflight, though.

Because it’s not fair if the Horde gets as many new customisation options as the Alliance. Blizzard has to ensure we always get half as much.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: oh? But that’s just one character. Show me more.

Oh man, so many of these anti arguments piled up.

Meh, unlock all classes for all races at this point. Lore doesn’t exist anymore. :melting_face:


I feel a bunch of races should have more themes added to customisation.

Aside from Dark Rangers - There’s so much other stuff they could weave lore into races to unleash more customisation stuff though. Not only for customisation but also for content — Originally the High Elves / Blood Elves having paler tones than the Night Elves was a genetic thing, the introducing of darker skin tones was to be more inclusive, and could easily be justified with lore — One such example could be as a rare strain from the Highborne continuing to push through into the new age (Which the coolest idea - and could have some awesome arcane lore potential with new characters if they play their cards right).

Said-Potential features we could implement into the game with lore to the races could be -

  • The Dwarves trying to elevate themselves into Titanforged and getting titan-runes across their bodies. (Get them tatts ~ )
  • Gnomes with the same ordeal as the Dwarves above.
  • Giving Worgen tails. That barely needs justification, I mean they’re wolverine-humans. Wolves have tails. Pretty simple explanation there.
  • Having Mechagnomes have more (but not complete) success with the titanforging, allowing them access to titan-themed parts.
  • Giving Trolls + Zandalari animalistic features, such as the Loa avatars we see in Zul’Aman.

There’s many awesome features we could utilise, but anytime I’ve tried to suggest one for a faction or the other (Even times I’ve suggested BOTH!! With equal opportunities), I get some diehard neckbeard breathing down my neck raging how ‘biased’ that is or how I’m an Alliance or Horde sympathiser etc. :roll_eyes:

– But that aside, Blizzard team could also have quite some fun exploring various ideas with many races. :slight_smile:

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Blizz can fix this by giving us void elf hair colors imo. But I honestly don’t see why they got it. The horde also got night elf dark rangers in bfa… yet nothing even at least for nightborne which could maybe get away with it via similar bodytypes?

It’s just not fair really but at least I play void elves and can use the looks on them. Sadly they have better matching hair colors for the looks.

This is why we’re supposed to keep some restrictions in the game lol.

Feels like all 4 elf races lost identity today along with paladins and druids as classes.

And I know people will be like “well you don’t have to use the option”. So? Ruining things doesn’t make this any better honestly.


What did nightborne lose? Them not getting anything is the problem.

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Yeah, if y’all want Nightborne dark rangers then don’t complain when Blizzard give us Void Elf Paladins…(but I know all you hordies will complain when that happens and suddenly lore will matter again)

If anything it’s better they didn’t but they will eventually suffer the same fate as the other 3 at the rate we’re going here.

How’s restriction removal going for everyone? Seems entirely :poop: now.

Man, the Void Elves being incredibly antagonistic tonight for some reason.


How is that?

Blood Elves have Dark Rangers.

Void Elves are Blood Elves so they can theoretically be dark rangers.

and Night Elves turned into Dark Rangers… So Dark Rangers.

It’s not really breaking the lore at all.

I figure this is the way it’s going to go. Blood Elf anti players and pro-High Elf players were arguing. So now both sides just get everything. Blood Elves got blue and purple eyes.

Now, Void Elves don’t have gold or green eyes still.