Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Ok, Void Elves aren’t Blood Elves tho. At no point did we see them being raised.


They’re high elves, some of them probably the same ones raised by Arthas originally.


Please take it from the Night Elves…

Literally nobody on Alliance asked for this.

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Aight I’m done with this discussion.

VEs getting the option should mean Nightborne get it as well. End all


The tag still says void elf, the racials still say void elves, the lore still says void elves.

They’re void elves.


Aside from Velfs getting this and not making sense…I feel like there could’ve/should’ve been more subtance here in obtaining these “skins”. We help one dark ranger who wasn’t even big in the plot of Brill/UC and poof, we got it.

sigh yeah we got em, but the build up was booty.

But it was Blood Elf that betrayed to cause Void Elves be a thing?

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No. Nightborne should not get it.

Forsaken should be able to make themselves look like undead NEs.

Also, who cares if Alliance has two of the customizations? Nobody plays Alliance anyway, what does it matter if they get more stuff?


So what really bothers me about this, well a couple of things really, is if Void Elves got this (which makes no sense) then they’ll likely get San’layan custos as well. Now while I’m completely on board with Blood and Void Elves sharing the High Elf aesthetic, Void Elves should be leaning into the Void for options and Blood Elves should be leaning into the Dark Ranger and San’layan for their unique custo options. Void and Blood can share the High Elf stuff, but the others should be unique to each race. And there’s no reason Nightborne shouldn’t have gotten Dark Ranger custo, Sylvie could have just raised fallen Nightborne allies from the Darkshore attack that fell in battle.


I mean this seems very like pro lore which okay makes sense

But then all of this doesn’t since you’re arguing VEs having the options is valid and also claiming they were completely walked back.

So like which is it lore is a big deal for you or its not?


It’s not a big deal to me at all.

VEs were a mistake, Blizzard is recognizing that and treating VEs more like HEs.


Indeed. Neither one makes any sense at all, but if they’re insane enough to do the one they may as well allow the other. Nightborne bear the “elf” appellation in the unlock window too, Blizzard.


Blizzard: :put_litter_in_its_place:

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This really should’ve been a Forsaken only customization option.


I get why people are upset from a lore perspective.

But in terms of the “UGHHH WHY DO VOID ELF PLAYERS GET THIS?!?!”, who cares? If you’re upset purely from a gameplay perspective, why does it matter in the slightest if someone else got an option you got?


I didn’t ask for it and I didn’t know they were adding it but now that I know, I’m definitely going to use dark ranger customization on this toon and others when I unlock it. It looks cool and will apparently make Horde players very upset!

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Why? Night Elves were Dark Rangers all along.

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The fact that certain Belf players are more upset that other races got the options too than happy to have finally got such a long-time requested thing really speaks volumes about what they actually care about: exclusivity, not actually expanding customization for everyone.


Sorry that Blizz doesn’t feed into your guys weird gatekeep-y fantasy


I’m not upset that other players got the options, I’m just feeling disappointed that Night Elves/Void Elves got it but not Nightborne. I’d love for my Nightborne to be a Dark Ranger. Love love love it.