Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

You’re right. That’s usually what it comes down to.

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Maybe if you don’t understand the lore of the Dark Rangers, this makes sense. They were initially an all High-Elven group assembled under Sylvanas when breaking away from the Scourge to be her elite group of bodyguards and agents. Later, during the 4th War, Sylvanas would go on to create some Night Elf Dark Rangers as well. The Dark Rangers have always been an undead elven organization.

The one exception to the rule is Nathanos, who was already an exception in life when he was allowed to be a Farstrider of Silvermoon under Sylvanas’ supervision. Undead having red eyes does not indicate that they’re dark rangers.

If you want to argue that people who are complaining about Nelves getting Dark Rangers are being ridiculous, I agree. But I think people complaining about Velves getting the option are pretty warranted. It’s especially a bit weird for Horde races who can be Dark Rangers to be outnumbered by Alliance ones who can when they have traditionally been a Horde lore class.

I know all this. Has nothing to do with my point or the OP’s point.

Why not? It’s a skin option. Comes with no racial or class abilities.

I get why nelves got the skin option. I don’t get why the velves got it. I’m assuming because it was a simple copy/paste for Blizzard.

My point is, according to the picture I just linked, Horde does have two races with a Dark Ranger option. Are we saying they should have given Forsaken two white skin options and two red eye options for the optics of “see! we did give you guys two!” or are we really saying that Nightborne should have go it because:


What I don’t get is why Nightborne didn’t if Velves did. Might as well go all the way. Just seems lazy.


Yes I agree completely. There is zero lore that a high elf was killed by the Scourge, raised to be a Dark Ranger, then left Sylvanas’s service to delve into the Void then was kicked out of Silvermoon.

It’s very ridiculous.

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it’s very simple.

  • Void elves are blood elves so they can have the dark ranger options.
  • Kal’dorei died in the war of thorns and were risen in bfa. they can have the dark ranger options.
  • Blood elves obviously get it
  • Nightborne elves isolated themselves in a stasis bubble for ten thousand years so they didn’t get it.
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The problem with that statement is the timeline doesn’t add up and there’s no record of a Dark Ranger leaving Sylvanas.

They would have to be velves that also died at Darkshore which means Blizzard might as well say a Nightborne died at Darkshore.

Apparently you don’t. Having red eyes doesn’t make an undead a dark ranger. So these are not two races with dark ranger options. That’d be like saying every Belf DK is a high elf.

No, because it wouldn’t be a dark ranger. It’d just be two new pale forsaken options that are now oddly hard-locked to the red eye color.

As for Nightborne not having a “beautiful hourglass” body, I’d tend to disagree. I think the reason they weren’t given them was just because fans aren’t interested. There had already been a plethora of people who had made Velves explicitly to try replicating Dark Rangers back before they became a customization option. To make it so they’d have to race swap to Belf to play the new, shiny Dark Ranger option would probably anger many of them, even if it was more true to the lore.

Guys you’re not getting it. Dark Ranger customizations for Void Elves does not mean that there are Void Elf Dark Rangers, it simply means that there is the possibility for certain Dark Rangers to go back to the Alliance where they might have other High Elf family members. You have to bear in mind that, in Blizzard’s eyes, Void Elves are no longer “just” Void Elves, they can be either Void Elves or normal High Elves, which is why they gave us those customizations.

It’s not that complicated.

Nightborne Dark Rangers however do not make sense at all.


So what makes a blood elf Paladin a Dark Ranger if it’s not a skin option? Or a velf Priest?

Void elf lore is a little shaky and underdeveloped. But, perhaps there is a discrepancy between specifically elves that happen to be undead (darkfallen) versus the specific dark rangers that followed Sylvanas. because those two things aren’t the same.

That’s fair. I can kind of buy that.

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This doesnt cut it for me as at the end of the questline to unlock the options, they specifically talk about night elves and only night elves going back to the alliance.

If the same was true for the other elves, then they had their chance to tell us, but chose not to take it.

You do not need in game text for it to be true.

In game we don’t have any text explaining high elf customizations for void elves either.

The lore? The idea that elf+necrotic skin+red eyes=Dark Ranger (sometimes Darkfallen more generally speaking). Haven’t you argued for High Elves before (unless I’m mistaking you for someone else)? It’s the same situation. A Belf with blue eyes is just a Belf. Their identity is forged in their affinity with the Alliance (or at least in their dislike of the Horde).

Do you think giving a Dwarf pale skin and red eyes would make them a dark ranger?

No we dont but we see them training in the void at telagos rift so we can at least make assumptions based on that.

And even if we couldnt, bad story telling does not mean more bad story telling should be allowed.

In the story we have never seen, and continue to not see undead high/blood/void elves on the alliance.
If not for the character creation screen we would all say they dont exist.

(Minus DK of course)

It’s really not that farfetched. Remember that there was a meeting between undead and humans and many undead actually wanted to go back home in the alliance, which triggered Sylvanas and killed them all.

I know this is old, but someone bumped the thread and I just LMAOed at this.

So, you say that human options count even though they’re skin locked, meaning you CAN’T choose them, but at the same time you’re saying the hunched posture and a couple other things DON’T count for Orcs. Even though you actually CAN choose them.

Lmao. What even is that logic.

Orcs have the most options, almost double any other race. IIRC, even if you take out JUST the hunch option, they still have the most. Night Elves are second, IIRC.

And Humans are claimed to be third, but again, like void elves, there are faces that are skin locked, so the options that person came up with are not accurate. They counted say Face 1 and Skin 20, even though they aren’t capable of being selected together. The Human/VE options are vastly less than the person who made that graph says. I had posted updated values a while back but I’m too lazy to go look for them now. Void Elves are 4th lowest currently after the new hair colors. Only Dark Iron, Vulpera, and Kul Tiran are below them, IIRC.


I fundamentally disagree with this interpretation. I think Blizz gave Velves more Helf customizations purely to appease some Rpers, but still broadly consider the playable race to be Velves. They’re just allowing you to express your Helf heritage as a Velf (much like Alleria does) and don’t force you to solely have a blueberry aesthetic. I find it difficult to believe Blizz would ever canonically allow Helf fans to get away with what you described given that Velves were formulated specifically to give Alliance players “Helves” without actually giving them Helves.

I guess? But that does kind of undermine the Dark Ranger story arc we see in the unlock quest—the idea that even without Sylvanas as their Ranger General, they will continue to fight for the collective Forsaken identity. I feel like it’s pretty lame for Blizz to essentially imply with the Velf customization that some were just like “Yeah Velonara, you do that. See y’all later.”


Well, again, since a night elf Mage and a blood elf Monk can be a “Dark Ranger” then yeah, I guess so.

p.s. No I’m not really a high elf supporter. I think velf customizations should have went more void, not more high.

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