Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Now i am gonna make a void elf dark ranger just to spite these entitled blood elves who dont want other races to have more options


Male void elf hair options are so bad that, after several months, I gave up on trying to make mine look good and just race changed to night elf because at least then I’d have Shadowmeld to help me cope with my character not looking as good as a blood elf.

If I could trade all of the male void elf hairstyles for just the few male blood elf hairstyles that were added in BfA, I’d take the deal

The hilarious thing is, I actually don’t like the idea of Void Elf dark rangers either but after seeing the pointless hate people are throwing at them, I’m embracing the chaos.

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i really glad void elfs got to use it too

now my priest can be the ultimate vampire


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And when allied races were added, horde got 2 extra druid races while alliance only got one. When I complained about it back then, Blizz simply said they don’t intend to keep both factions completely equal, there’s no need for it. :pouting_cat:

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Hard to do when I’m just quoting what you say word for word. If you’re upset for quoting those words maybe you shouldn’t have said them.

See, people being happy with their own RP fantasy is what we should be striving for.
Also I love the xmog.


And an extra race/class combo is a lot more impactful than red eyes.

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Ok but you lookin’ good as an Emerald Nightmare druid


thank youu !!!

blink blink

Okay, we’re just gonna chalk this up to extreme differences in taste cause I disagree with you in every way on this.

Yet you still are. Listen pumpkin, world isn’t fair sometimes.

Ah so you’ve just given up the facade and now full on “screw you I got mine.”

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Nah, I have no intention of using the option, but why do you treat everything as a personal attack?

You’re getting mad at me for venting over one of our races being excluded form a customization when you got an extra one.

I dont think the debate is about the world being fair or not. More so about blizz ruining lore once again. I really like story narratives in games, and unfortunately blizzard tends to retcon a good chunk of there lore, more so lately than ever before.
This addition, just adds to the frustration that players have with blizzard.

I’m not getting mad at you at all, you’re getting mad at me for saying it’s not a big deal.

More customizations > Lore

Lore can always accomodate the changes

Of all the the atrocities Blizzard has afflicted on the lore in the last few years, this is miniscule at best. But give them to the Nightborne, they need more options.

Just stop replying lol. If you can identify that they’re in an emotional state then just walk away and let them cool off.

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