You got 2 races for Dark Rangers, historically a specific Horde theme, and Horde only get 1. Our 2nd elf was explicitly excluded.
Being bigoted isn’t making you look better.
You got 2 races for Dark Rangers, historically a specific Horde theme, and Horde only get 1. Our 2nd elf was explicitly excluded.
Being bigoted isn’t making you look better.
Careful now, you used logic, she won’t like that.
I told you…you have my support for Nightborne customizations…i hope blizzard does something about it
… yeah not the moral high ground you think it is.
Alliance have NE Night Warrior.
Alliance have VE and NE Dark Rangers.
Horde just have BE Dark rangers.
You: no they’re the same, 2 equals 1.
Yeah they haven’t yet and explicitly excluded them to begin with which they shouldn’t have, thus the issue. If they hadn’t we wouldn’t be having this complaint.
Aww look at you twisting words to fit your narrative.
I’m fat irl, it’s not bigotry; Zandalari trolls are hot and Kul Tiran humans are comically ugly. They’re even worse than pandaren because at least pandaren are fat while being cute
I’m quoting your exact words. Alliance has 2 elves. 2 of them got the customization.
Horde has 2 elves. Only 1 got the customization.
Yeah you’re being bigoted.
Where are BEs Void options?
No you took my words, then interpreted them in a way to fit your argument.
The Alliance is there waiting for you.
Your exact words. You got 2 toys we got 1.
You: yep, same.
You can count all of the blood elves who want void elf exclusive customization options on one hand. You should just be glad your character doesn’t turn into a blueberry for several seconds every minute, and that your hair options are better
Those were not my words, those have been your words this entire time.
Entropic Embrace is cool.
BE hair options suck, VEs have some the best in the game, them and the Wiggle Goats.
i LITERALLY quoted your post XD
yea mine
Yes and remarkably you still somehow managed to twist my words.
It’s almost impressive
on the alliance its called race change to void elf