Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Ya but I’m bored.

No you are obviously mad. Hence the insults.

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I have yet to insult you, suggesting maturity is not an insult.

Clash of Ego’s

Enjoy the battle :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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There’s not really anything to cool off? I’m not gonna come back tomorrow and go “yeah you were right, I was being hysterical, horde don’t deserve having equal customizations for thier elves.” XD

You will not get your visual uniqueness back…

So, make peace with it

You have your reasons. I just think the convo is getting a little messy

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The story progressing isn’t retcon. Obviously.

motions Insults


blink blink

What visual uniqueness of Nightborne’s are you talking about?

None of those are insults, at best the forth and fifth can be seen as slightly rude.

yeah we call those insults.

And the rest as well. “Pumpkin”??? Seriously?!?

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You call them insults.

It’s a term of endearment.

You don’t have terms of endearment for people you don’t know and are currently having an argument with. We call those insults.

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Sure you can, I just gave you one.

If customization > Lore. Then why are we even playing WoW? Theres dozens better games that have better customization, new world and FF14. Lore is the main point with most blizzard games.

An insult, you don’t get to change how this works. You’re using insults and being cute thinking it’s fine, when you’re being insulting.


Cant you just be patient

Look at the Worgen tail thread…10k replies and they are still patient and waiting

Go and learn from them

No I’ll go and learn form the 3 races that just got them while Nightborne was explicitly excluded.

No I’m not, you’re taking it as an insult, like you’ve taken every post as an attack against you.