Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Whether we make it into any cutscenes or not doesn’t mean we are not there as part of the Horde army. Nightborne are regularly forgotten as existing post Legion. There’s a lot they just don’t explain or show and figure we don’t care enough to ask…

But we are still here.

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By the same logic we can have void elves with dark rangers eye then.
Btw they aren anywhere in cutscene or not. Not even NB leader was there

Which is in the same vein as… so can Nightborne.

The argument that Void Elves can get this for being there but Nightborne shouldn’t is wrong. We were part of the Horde army. Thalyssra shoves us into Orgrimmar as soon as we became an allied race. You see nightborne in Horde armor running and training in Zul’dazar. We are there, just not front and center because we were kinda forgotten for awhile post Legion.

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So can anything including tuskar.

OP is just a whiner who keeps throwing tantrum over customization options

More options are always good…no need to gatekeep behind lore

I am happy people from alliance can make dark rangers too

More options are always welcome

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I would say you missed the point of this thread / complaint. As OP as pointed out by a plethora of others is valid.

It makes not sense at first but perhaps some Dark Rangers joined the Void Elves during the first generation transformation process? Or later on?

Dark Rangers are still Blood Elves, so they could have joined them before the Void-accident. Makes so far sense to me.

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It really just makes no sense. They’ve obviously had the Dark Rangers of Sylvanas for a long time, and were foreshadowing Night Elf rangers during BFA. If anything, those two should have been the only ones to receive this customization since they were the only ones with buildup.

But it would have been fine too if they just gave the customization to all of the elves. Would Nightborne Dark Rangers have made sense? No, not really, but that puts them on the same level as Void Elf Dark Rangers. I can only assume they ported the options over to the Void Elves because it was as simple as ctrl + v while the Nightborne were too distinct to bother making custom skins for.

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Same applies to Void Elves.

You have to unlock Nightborne too.

Void can’t affect undead.

What about Death Knights then?

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Void that got turned into a corpse and then undead, still on shaky ground with the lore but it’s becoming clear that’s meaningless.

Blizzard’s priority is more to get players to play different races. So they are providing options.

Lore can always be created if it wasnt so far.

More options are good.

Selfish gatekeepers like you can either accept it or keep throwing a tantrum (which you do alot on the blood elf thread)


I don’t feel like you’re using that word correctly / much too freely.

People are allowed to value visual uniqueness.

People are allowed to prioritize what they feel is fair, for example Blood Elves lost visual uniqueness so an easy win by not immediately giving the options to VEs would have been appreciated.

People are allowed to value story aspects. VEs getting the options not only subjective to some as odd or unfair but also make no sense in that NEs could have and did get story for returning, and BE DRs.

It’s also in poor taste that 2 Alliance races now have access to a Horde sub group that only one Horde race has options for. It’s always “what does it matter what faction gets what” when it’s Horde losing something but that wasn’t the general consensus among HE fans who petitioned for BEs to lose visual uniqueness repeatedly.


So you’re gonna push for Nightborne to get the options too, right?

Not sure why folks would be against it.


You would think but motions to the forums

Well honey. The forums are a silly place they’re not meant to be taken seriously.

I know but I’m at work so I can’t log on and do stuff.

Also i have nowhere else to vent.

Ah carry on. I would imagine most are surprised that VEs got the options and that Nightborne also didn’t. It’s not exactly something Blizzard built the Darkfallen story to reflect.

They’re not going to explain why there are Darkfallen Paladins either, but it’s w/e. Rule of cool and all that jazz.

I’m kind of jealous of the Night Elf dark rangers. I wish home girl killed and raised some Draenei now.

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