Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Respectfully, Orcs have the most customization option of all races by a very large margin.

Except (guess who) void elves.

Respectfully, no they don’t. Orcs have the most unique customisation combinations. Humans have the most customisation options.

You keep making this claim, but you know it’s incorrect.


Imagine being upset about eye colors being added to the game

False. Human customization options suffer the same fate as Void Elf options - skin colors and faces are locked. Humans have significantly less options than that one poster made people believe.

You can pick them, they’re options. Saying they don’t count doesn’t mean they don’t count. Humans have the most options.

If not humans, night elves come in at second. Dwarves third. Orcs fourth.


Void Elves are the only AR to also have gotten undead options for DKs


I don’t care about Teldrassil; I just play a night elf for the racials. If they got rid of racials I’d race change back to worgen in a heartbeat. Darnassus was an awful city anyway. I actually think Sylvanas is a stunning and iconic girlboss; everyone on this forum hates her except me and some other people.

The real bias is how Horde got new heritage gear for their by far most played race while Alliance only got new heritage gear for one of their least played races, which also has one of the least inspired heritage armor sets


All I know is while the elves argue, I’ll be over here sneaking around as a Dark Ranger (Ensemble armor anyway) Fox


Ok now I have to get it on my 60 Vulpera BM hunter looks so cool.

I just want to look dead. :sob: :joy:

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Oh my alliance got something, the horror.
Blizzard literally owes the alliince much more cause of mechagnomes lmao.

they could go back if tyrande accepts them as the quest states.

lorewise there isnt a single nightborne dying and getting ress by sylvanas even though ya they couldv’e made one.
Void elves at this point are just superior blood elves at this point, and considering you have to unlock them i think its fine. Maghar orcs should have better racials too.

We had VEs in the battle of undercity, which you know, couldve died and raised as rangers, they were there so the lore is in there either you like it or not.
You know whom wasnt there? Nightborne

Its account wide.

There is no black elven in lore either, but here they are, you sure you wanna die on this hill? Void elves died in undercity/bfa campaign/anywhere and got raised as dark rangers because they were meat to be used and they were meat because they were the enemy.
Both cases is just too ez to add in the lore tbh. Its unironcially harder to justify eyes for NB.

i see death guys using the void quite often lorewise. Council of the forgotten shadows for instance.

Ha! I already look dead inside and out! Get on my level.

…wait are we talking about the game? Oh… :sob:

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Void elves weren’t raised into dark rangers. The only other dark rangers other than blood elves who had been around was the night elf ones from Battle For Teldrassil, which is further provided proof because Sylvanas’ Valk is slain there by Tyrande, and the other one is sent to the Shadowlands. There were no more valks at the time of the Battle for Undercity to possibly be raising more elves into Dark Rangers.

Therefore, no. There are no void elf dark rangers.

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Apparently yes they were at some point.
All i am saying is that ya you can justify it whitout much of an issue when compared to the rest.

Battle for udnercity was before darkshore and void elves died there and could’ve been raised as dark rangers.

Btw if you want to follow this lead no blood elven was ever raised as dark ranger lorewise either. All fo them came to exist when they were high elves.
You know.
Alliance elves, maybe they wish to go back to alliance?
Which version you prefer?

I agree w the sentiment VEs shouldn’t have gotten the options, and there has been no VE Dark Rangers thus far, as well as it being in poor taste to fumble arguably what could have been a win for BEs to get something unique not immediately given to VEs, while lastly also being odd that a Horde sub race now has options on two Alliance races but only 1 Horde, so it should have been just NEs/BEs

That all said -

Didn’t we see Lillian use a Valkyr to raise ugh the Forsaken guy who only lasted a patch or two?

Also 1 Valkyr got away at Darkshore which was a Horde quest post UC?

You know what? That’s true, I forgot about that.

Regardless though, void elves shouldn’t have gotten this as an option whatsoever.

Neither, I’d prefer a version where the blood elves finally get something the void elves don’t have to also share with us so we can have some kind of uniqueness that’s specific to the Horde involving faction identity. Night elf dark rangers are fine because we actually saw them. Void elves aren’t.

Edit: also I concede I got my times confused. My brain flipped prepatch and Darkshore Warfront.


I mean let’s face it we all knew it was going to go the way of Horde bias didn’t we. You could give Alliance a 20% damage buff globally and it would be “Horde bias” because it devalues their content and makes it too easy.

Actually hilarious.

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Nightborne were at UC as well. We had joined the Horde and were feeding troops to the army by that point. If you can argue Velfs were there and could be raised, so could we.

From a roleplayer’s perspective, my guild was there (IC and OOC) when BfA released and we had a huge event for the launch before the gates of the Undercity.

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Like green eyes and more hairstyles?

There were no blood elven becoming dark ranger either they were high elves.

Show me a single one in there then because i dont remember seeing one, alleria do arrives with void elves.

This is just kind of a side thought / question since we’re talking about Valkyr and being raised, was Lorash raised before Teldrassil? I kinda just remember him showing up at DS and he was… Forsaken at that point