Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Yes, go on.

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Honestly though, if you are a Night Elf using Dark Ranger customisation what are you even doing with your life?
Forums have since been lit up over the whole burning of the tree since it happened, and now you get to customise as the attackers lmao.

Also can we talk about the blatant Alliance bias here?
So now Alliance have both Blood Elves (a Horde race), and Dark Rangers (ie undead, a Horde race).
Where are our Blood Elf Moon Warrior options?

Gross. :face_vomiting:

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Very gross indeed.

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Why would you say that? I’ve seen worse humans than you… cough cough Arthas.

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I am okay with hairstyles and jewelries given to void elves at this point. After all, we are all getting cross factions and most likely races will choose to join opposite factions.

Only thing that will matter is racial gameplay traits in PVP/PVE raids anyways.

Right here is why they did it and it has nothing to do with what this player said, just read this comment and think.


As I said in another thread - most likely they weren’t given it cause Nightborne don’t have an eye color option in their creation/barber shop, and Blizzard was too lazy to add one for 9.2.5.

Kinda silly but knowing Blizzard, seems likely. Maybe hold out hope for 10.0? (I dont think they can hotfix in eye coilor options lol)

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Still feel like their barber update is incomplete. Their customizations are so convoluted in some parts for some races.

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Kinda reinforcing my belief that Blizzard will eventually make that void elf/high elf split before long.

I genuinely didn’t even realize Nightborne didn’t have an eye color option. I know Dark Iron doesn’t either, I believe, but still seems weird.

Daily reminder that Mag’har are still modified WoD NPCs.

the only thing that are different is really the tattoos.

The tattoo versions are from WoD NPCs.

Nightborne Death Knights don’t even get options to look dead. Having Dark Ranger options would at least let us look dead.


Yeah, I want to say that since they’re a modified NE model they didn’t get the eye decoupling? idk it’s so weird.

So while we are already dumpstering lore, can Blood Elves and Nightborne get night warrior please?


Sadly, no Allied Race does.

…which is a whole 'nother point of stupidity. Would it have killed them to spend like a week adding some quick dead-skin recolors for the allied races, which was a selling point of Shadowlands?

I do wonder if they can hotfix in the skin option to Nightborne. I don’t think they can eye color - due to the aforementioned no eye color options, but they DO have skin options so, maybe?


definitely that, i have come to hate elves and humans in warcraft because of how Blizzard seems to think they are the only race that matter.

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