Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

NB got these options? Why would you claim that unless true?

Well, I mean we got the faction neutral version. We didn’t get the Alliance unique version.

You know, of dark rangers. A Horde organisation.


Are Blood Elves not Horde Elves? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I didn’t say “ALL Horde Elves got them”, I said Horde Elves got them. That is an objectively true statement. Belves are Horde Elves. Belves got it.

Again with the lacking reading comprehension! Third time today Lann!

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Yet all Alliance Elves got a Horde factions options funny that’s the point of complaint.


Well it’s not a Horde option now then is it…you know with Sylvanas killing and raising Nelves and them wanting to return to their faction (and some Belves/Helves DR seem to have gone with them!)

Also, I’ve seen Belf players want Dark Ranger options for years…now they have them. Many of them seem happy. The ones who don’t are upset because it’s not exclusive to them. That’s childish IMO. Oh well!

Glad those who actually wanted them so they can look like DR are happy! Not just those who wanted them so they could have “more stuff than Velves” :woozy_face:

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Which race got dark rangers that didn’t have access to dark rangers?

Night Elves - Check
Blood Elves - Check
Void Elves - < Also Blood Elves - Check. Some Dark Rangers may just want to hang with Void Elves.

We aren’t done taking yet, we still have more hair styles and hair color options we want.


And this is why people feel the way they do about this situation and continued possible situations in the future.


blood elves got way more than void elves, blood elves got a new quest chain, got new transmog…so no…void elf community is going to keep crying out to blizzard.

I get the feeling people probably don’t like anti’s either. I don’t really think the blanket statements make any sense.

To be fair though, only paladins can use the transmog.

You’re using one of the hairstyles that is better than all of the void elf hairstyles and is proof of Blizzard’s pro-Horde, anti-void elf bias

What / who (do you mean who? I don’t get it) are antis?

I was speaking about people feeling a dislike of this situation presented by that posters comments.

I love how you’ve made the switch from “nooooooooooo Alliance can’t use the blood elf optios no fair!!! we must have access to this Horde race with an Alliance version” to “why do people care what faction gets what option?”


Good catch

You think lore still matters in this game?

Oh honey. No.

Yeah, that’s my point.

The WoW community is the real WoW killer.


That was also Autai’s point?