Two Alliance races got dark ranger options, while one Horde did

Dark Wood Elves. :smiley:

Ooh. Or the Spiderwebs. :black_heart:

I think he thinks you are Mag

I honestly feel so out of the loop because I feel like I’m friends with so many of you and can’t keep up with the beefs and names and people :upside_down_face:

Might get a bit confusing when Mag’s replied to you in the past if people think its just you lol xD

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Honestly, think it created more content for the forums than the game.

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This is my PvP.


I’ve been against this for a long time, but if Blizz themselves insist on trashing lore, I wish they’d rip the bandaid off and do it all at once, instead of chipping away at it a little bit at a time.


Oh yeah, I was (still slightly am) against it too, tbh. But forsaken paladins and druids? C’mon now. Lore is gone.

Huh? Did they implement this?

Er, paladins using the red eyes **

why are we getting forsaken horde customization? did i miss something

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I was excited for a moment and you crushed my hopes in an instant.

Adding forsaken paladins and forsaken druids would actually just be adding more lore to the game. I hope they also make mechagnome druids, void elf druids, vulpera druids, etc. I’d play all of them

I am the absolute worst human being.

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Because there’s two playable factions, Alliance and neutral.


This is true to any new race/class combo.

Release the lions!

Hey you said it not me. :japanese_goblin:


I’ve just got done talking with Ion and he told me Blizz has a new stance on lore.

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Horde Elves just got…the same new options…

If you guys can only enjoy something when it’s exclusive that’s pretty…childish?

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