Twitch Mount drop

Just went to claim mine and I still have not gotten it yet

There is a whole other ‘master’ thread about this just a post or two before yours. It’s best to keep it all to one rather than to have umpteen threads about the same thing.

Their master post says it can take up to 24 hours to come through, but there is also some issue that some folks are having things hung up between Twitch and Blizzard.


Leilleath I didnt realize there was a master thread for this, as I just made a post too. My appologies to the people who run the forum, it’s kind of good to know at least that I’m not the only one. Been 36+ hours for me here. Already did everything I can do on my end other than hope I 1. get the item eventually on its own or 2. hope somehow Blizzard helps.


We have multiple threads on the same subject, so I’m going to start closing the extras.

I am providing what updates I can in this thread.

There is also a thread in Technical Support, which provides a link to submit a ticket if you have not yet received the mount after 24 hours of claiming it. These tickets are being placed in a hold queue while the overall issue is being investigated.