Twitch Mount drop

Blazing Hippogryph was claimed in my twitch drops but never appeared at a present in game. Not sure if related to current server issues.


Same thing here so… just be patient i think :stuck_out_tongue: Usualy, it showing up ig in seconds, but im waiting for now 30 min.

Emphasis on the next to last sentence. It can take up to 24 hours to show up in your inventory. Until that 24 hour mark, it’s just a matter of patience.


Do you happen to have the URL for me to contact Twitch by any chance to re-send the verification for my account? I claimed it early this afternoon and still no sight of my mount.

Really hoping that I get it, Because I don’t want to have to pay gold cap on my server to get it for my collection.

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I dont use twitch but give it 24hrs.

same, will wait for a couple of days before I raise a ticket.

Got mine when i woke up :blush:

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Yet to get mine even though it was claimed.

Anyone that got theirs car to share how long it took?

As mentioned, it usually arrives within 24 hours. From what I can see you have the license for the Hippogryph already.

You might check your filters for your mount list, toggle them off/on to see if it shows up but it might just take a bit of time.


May i suggest checking your account settings; there is a setting to “allow sharing of Blizzard data to third party”.

It’s under Privacy and Communication.

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I’m having the same problem but there isn’t even a place in the mount journal for the mount to go no place marker so to speak.


I started mine within five minutes of the Drops starting. I took a break part-way through when the streamer I was watching logged out. I finished earning it with a second streamer. I think it may have been three or four hours after I claimed it before I received notification in-game that it was there.

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I see that you have the portal Aeidale, but I don’t yet see the license for the Hippogryph. How long has it been since you claimed it?


Hi there, I didn’t think I should be making a new thread so I’ll post here; I’m having the same issue. I completed the 1 hour campaign for Hearthstone and I completed the 4 hour campaign for WoW; both did not drop to me for hours so I unlinked my Twitch and account, re-linked them and I received the Hearthstone reward, however, I still do not have the mount in WoW.

Same here, it doesn’t show in the journal at all, even as an uncollected mount which is kind of weird.
I did only claim it a little over an hour ago, but figured it would show up if I searched for it with the uncollected filter checked.


I don’t believe any of the TCG items have shown in the journal before.


Any chance you could check mine? I collected mine around 5 hours ago and every other Twitch drop appeared on my account within seconds – however, I just bought a brand new PC and so I’m worried that somehow that has interfered with the account connectivity or something.

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A new system shouldn’t matter as long as you are logged into the correct account and it is linked. If you reset the password on your account that can break the link, so it is recommended that you unlink/relink to the same account in those situations.

I don’t see the Hippogryph license yet, just the Portal from the previous week.


I am also having this issue. I received the Portal last week and I completed the hippogryph last night and claimed it (on twitch) this morning during maintenance. It has yet to show up in game. I have not reset passwords or changed anything in twitch or wow. Both sites show the other is linked.

Claimed mine about 9ish EST last night. It had not arrived the last time I was on around 1am-ish, but finally getting to sit down now at around 3pm, it was there to be clicked. So just have some patience. It doesn’t serve to get worried until after it’s been the requested 24 hours. After that, then start double-checking all of the links and all of that to make sure it’s all set to rights.