Twitch Mount drop

I finally got my mount and the connection error still exists. It took me about 19 hours from claiming it to receive it. Just give it 24 hours and you should get the mount.


I am now at 24 hours since redemption and still do not have the mount.


I am also now officially over 24 hours and I donā€™t have it.


Well, then. For those after the 24 hours, be sure to have gone over all the bullet points in this article. If all else fails, you can submit a ticket. Iā€™ll link that path as well. The article was just updated 25 minutes prior to me posting this, so it is up to date.


I did all of those, but I canā€™t see how a ticket will help when it says right there that Customer Support canā€™t grant the reward.

I havenā€™t had good experiences with tickets, but I guess Iā€™ll try.

Iā€™m not sure how to attach a screenshot but I took one to prove I collected it on Twitch over a day ago

If you click the link above, at the bottom there is a button to attach file.


Going on 28 hours now, thank you for the ticket link, sent in my information so hopefully something comes out of it.

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I canā€™t say for sure Iā€™m pretty positive the server error itā€™s whatā€™s stopping people from getting there mount

I mentioned it because it started around 20 hours ago now and I realized some people got theirs after a while but that was before the server error started

Blizzard really needs to step in and confirm or deny that itā€™s at this point because I am at 30 hours and I still have not gotten it. I know my account are linked correctly because I got the portal just fine

I will explain what I was trying to say above a little more clearly and a little more in laymanā€™s terms. Keep in mind this is just a theory but it is a highly probable Theory

If the middle man server that talks to our accounts and talks to Twitch is indeed down then anyone who claimed their mount on Twitch after the server error started will not receive the mount until the issue is fixed.

People who claimed it before the server error started would most likely receive it but after a long delay. Which appears to be just what is happening.

This would also explain why many of us got the portal almost instantly but are experiencing this issue with the mount

Except for all of the people I know, including myself, who have the same error and have the mount.

No one here can do that.

Then please use the ticket link provided if you havenā€™t already.

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Actually no you seem to have missed the part in my post above where I clearly explained that the only people that it would affect are the people that claimed the mount after the server error started.

If you claimed your Mount just before or right as the server was going down you would definitely get it but there would most likely be a long delay

The most important part of what I was talking about was the second part of my post that literally explains whatā€™s happening to people.

I have many years in the IT industry fixing issues like this for companies and I understand how middleman servers work. Basically like I said the main people affected would be the people who claimed the mount after the server error started so consider yourself lucky that you were one of the one to claimed it before it started

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There are people getting it now and yesterday after the server error started.

Once again, please use the ticket feature, please post on Tech Support and Bug Reports.


Those people clearly claimed it on the twitch end before the server error started. When I say claimed it Iā€™m talking about claiming it on Twitches end not receiving it in game.

The server error started roughly 14 hours ago. Like I said if you claimed it on Twitch before that then you are one of the lucky ones

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Just updating ā€“ Still havenā€™t received the mount. Opened a ticket with Blizz so weā€™ll see where that goes.

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This isnā€™t general, we canā€™t help with any of this, nor does playing ā€˜Iā€™ve worked X, so I know what Iā€™m sayingā€™ as Blizzard and Twitch is the only ones who can do anything. We, as players, could help one another, but weā€™re not able to trouble shoot any of this kind of thing. And it would help not really pick needless fights the sake of it.

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They did not. They literally claimed it today and yesterday on Twitch and then in game after this server error began. Because I had people looking at that server error to see if they had it and then later on, they hit their hours mark on Twitch, claimed, then received it in game.

You have to keep in mind that this is a peer to peer help desk. SFAs are not devs or GMs nor Tech Support techs.

If you want to find out more information concerning the server error please post in Tech support. If you want to add this bug to the Bug Reports for it to be researched, then please do.


Many of us have already done so as others have suggested. There are 3 to 4 forum posts about this in there

Then that is all you can do, aside from filing a ticket that was linked above. We cannot fix it for you nor update you on the issue.


That may be a factor. I forwarded that information last night. I havenā€™t heard any news back, but it is being looked into.


Thanks for the update!
Can confirm this error shows on my bnet account when checking connections as well. Still havenā€™t received the mount after 24+ hours, and have opened a ticket.