Twitch Mount drop
Here is my proof that I achieved the mount

I claimed it about 9:30am pst


I claimed the Blazing Hippogryph 13 hours ago and my account is connected, still haven’t received mine either. Could it have to do with the IoS App?

I’m afraid I have just been spoiled by zelle and streaming movies. :smile: I did receive mine just now. That works out to be about 16 hours after earning it and 8 hours after claiming it.

I’m not complaining. I am very grateful for the promotional items! :partying_face:

I just wanted to give some times for informational purposes.


Same boat as you. Which scared me because I got my portal 5min later

Could this be a hint to whats going on? Took a look at my connections page and this is showing up. Is there some type of server error we should be aware of?

If my account cant talk to the server its explains why I dont have the mount in game yet


I found this also in my account-


I am chiming in the report that I claimed the mount at 3:30 pm PST today, so it may be a little early to panic, but the following may greatly influence whether or not I get it at all: I am getting the same error in the Connections area of my Blizzard account that Ksparhawk is getting.

I must add, that my Twitch account does appear to be connected just fine, since it marked as connected in Twitch and on Battle dot net, but this internal server issue may be effecting the effectiveness of that connection.

Please make sure that you’re adding this information to Tech Support and the Bug Reports forum.

Tech Support may be able to troubleshoot it for you and Bug Reports will file the issues to be looked at.

Here at CS, there isn’t much we players can do for you, as this is a peer to peer help desk with some assistance from SFAs who are not devs or GMs.


With the way these gaming companies work? CS probably has not even been notified about the server error

No one will know if people aren’t reporting it in the proper places. It’s not widespread across everyone.


Any chance you could recheck? Sorry to nag but it’s still not showing up but it does show as achieved through Twitch.

It’s been like 16 hours now so just wondering if the license is there or if I should ask Twitch to re-send it?

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Vrak most likely went home for the evening.

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Probably but I’m not American so I don’t know what time it is over there <3

EDIT: Just checked and I’m getting the same connection issue. I would reconnect my Twitch but it warns that there’s a 7-day cooldown and so I don’t want to risk being unconnected completely.

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You wont get a answer for at least 10 hr give or take.

You don’t get the 7 day cooldown if you connect the exact same account.


I’ll trust you Jetsum <3 Will try now and report the results

EDIT: Okay, interesting. I went to disconnect it and it refreshed the page but it was still connected while still giving me the Connection Error message.

Now I’m genuinely concerned about my Blazing >_< I don’t think I’m getting this one.

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I wouldn’t worry until it has been over 24 hours.

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I doubt anyone will get the mount till the server error is fixed. Did you see my comment? The middle man server that talks to the in game and 3rd party companies servers like twitch seems to be down.

Check you accounts connections page.
You will see this.

Until its resolved I wouldnt expect the mount

Appears the server needed to recognize that you claimed the mount is down. Many of us have commented that in this thread and others. Got to your connections page under account settings you will see the error too

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I’m sorry, but your assumption is quite incorrect.

Mine is showing the same thing. But also:

It may just be some oddball error showing on that page, but it is in no way impeding this promotion. It’s very unwise to make assumptions about things that have not in any way been confirmed by a Blue. Just like your belief that CS was not notified about the server error. Those are what you think. Not what is fact.

Then congratulations you got yours before the server error started. A lot of us know our accounts are linked correctly because we got the portal just fine but we are sitting at 30 hours and still no mount

I know how servers work due to my work in the IT industry and blizzard does use a middleman server and if that server is down it will 100% stop people from getting the mount.

So you are right I don’t have any confirmation that I’m right but when you smell smoke it’s pretty likely there’s a fire