Twitch drops

i have tried the disconnect reconnect months ago when all the issues started per the suggestions but that didnt correct the issue i had with the previous drops just the latest. the issue is that those were the like feldrake and the dragon kite so thats not likely to roll back around unless they just add them to the trading post

I never received the last 4 twitch drops, including the feldrake, etc. Don’t even bother putting in a ticket in game, it will get answered but they’ll tell you to post on forums… it’s ridiculous. lol Here was the last response, telling me basically I did everything right, didn’t receive the stuff, but oh well… we can’t do anything:

This is Game Master Drioddeaso
Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment, We appreciate your patience.

While looking into your request, I saw that your account has been established many years ago! What a pleasure to be in contact with a loyal adventurer like yourself!

Without further ado, what I could gather by reading what you wrote us, is that you didn’t receive your twitch drops after correctly linking your accounts.
Rest assured that I have completely understood your issue and I will be working on a resolution that meets your expectations.

First of all, let me start by clarifying that we completely understand the frustration this may be causing you, but the Blizzard universe has no place for any toxicity or flaming behaviors. So we would appreciate it if we kept it in a friendly way :slight_smile: (I never flamed them or was toxic btw… Just told them to fix the problem because it was ridiculous that so many were having issues with it)

That being said, I went ahead and checked your account and found that your twitch account is indeed connected to your Battle.Net account, afterwards I went to confirm that you didn’t receive the mount and found that it was indeed not added to your account. Blizzard Customer Support can’t help with missing twitch drops, so for that, we advise you to submit a bug on the forums as submissions posted there have the benefit of allowing a community discussion around high-impact bugs, which can occasionally help in prioritizing them. If you want to check on a bug, we also keep a list of known active issues at the top of that forum that all players can see.

Thank you again for reaching out. Have a great one.
Game Master Drioddeaso"

So yeah… nothing done, no feldrake, pets, etc… and no help from Blizzard (typical). Good luck to you guys! I know I won’t be watching streams with drops anymore. Not worth my time.

That means in the aptly named Bug Report Forum…not the Customer Support Forum.


Blizzard customer service basically told me drop it " Continuing to submit tickets appealing this decision may result in penalties being applied to your account, up to and including account termination." except for Vrakthis they did their job and I appreciate the help

Gms have always been hands off with this your not gona get a different answer thats why u got that warning.


Then what is really the use of them they don’t even interact with the players in the game anymore

They help players but have to follow policies in doing so, for this particular problem its this:

A “license” issue as they can grant a mount but it would disappear due it not having a matching license. The license in question cannot be granted by a GM.


my account was connected and the items claimed on the twitch. twitch siad they sent the info to blizz but they said they never saw it and then later said i didnt reach out while the promo was going though i did i understand that they cant just give me something but if it was claimed they shouldnt be an issue i also uderstand gms cant give items and i was told to talk to the devs they are unreachable thats why i had to talk to the gms which gave me artilces of selfhelp and sent me to the forums

You can report it through the ingame bug report button or more directly, over Twitter @Warcraftdevs. However this has been reported by others with several Twitch drops too.


The only place you may get a Dev to actually respond to you is through their Twitter @WarcraftDevs. Here on the forums, you may see the random Dev post, but very little to no interaction with players.

Posting in the appropriate forums (pretty much any forum except for this one, as it is player-to-player support), Devs and their CMs will see those posts, but they will not respond to them the majority of the time. Posting here in Customer Support, unfortunately, gets you nowhere as it’s literally the only forum that no staff at all comes to beyond our SFAs. And they don’t relay issues or feedback.

So if you’re looking for Dev interaction? @WarcraftDevs on Twitter is the best shot, in my thinking, as they do actually respond to some folks there now and again.


i tried that for like a month before i wrote my ticket no response and no help even when they were the only ones that could help then mike ybbara messaged me"

Mike Ybarra


President of Blizzard Entertainment. …Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be.

Joined November 2009



What’s your and which twitch drops are not working?" i told him thanks for reaching out told him what i was missing then after a week i was like "hi is there any kind of information on the situation i really don’t want to keep bothering you i know you’re a busy guy"then he blocked me so no help there either.