Twitch drops

I’ve received none of the twitch drops for the last 2 months for both wow and overwatch2 could I get some assistance, please

Just to get it out of the way; had any of the codes from Twitch shown up for you, or is it the code from them not working on Blizzard’s end?

no codes just the items claimed on twitch


i looked a tthe article but it wasn’t really helpful my account has been linked I watched the streams for both wow and overwatch2 claimed the items never received any codes and in most cases after claiming items previously they show up in the inventories however for the last 2 months that hasn’t been the case and im not sure the course of action to correct that customer service has been less than helpful

Generally Blizzard has no real control over the drops and can’t grant them. The most they can do is make sure to remind you to double check your account connections to see if your Twitch is still paired.
Twitch is the main one that could help, though they themselves aren’t able to see every aspect as well, as their systems are the ones that pass the info over to the devs to say “hey this person watched the amount! Give them the thing!”.

The WoW drops, excluding the sub gift one, weren’t a code you’ll punch in; they are automatically added to your account assuming everything goes as they should. The gift sub one will pop a code in your notifications you’ll use to get the pet, AFAIK.
Can’t speak for Overwatch too much, though the ones I’ve done for OW2 are similar where they’d pop up in my inventory without needing to get codes.

Are you certain you are linked, Theodrin? Have you reset or changed your password? The can break the link, but still look like you are linked. You usually can just unlink and link the accounts again, as long as it is to the same account it doesn’t incur a cooldown.

Unfortunately, there is little we can go for the drops. We don’t have access to what you may have qualified for. The most we can usually do is check if the license is on your account.


I recently sent that information to customer service on Twitter as they have been helpful in the past with an image that verifies the items that would be claimed. The account is linked I was able to obtain Ichabod through the support a streamer but not the free-from-watch time drops

I submitted information to twitch they said that it is the devs that have to fulfill the items and that they can see the items have been claimed but they can’t give the items to speak to your customer support. id be happy to provide the images to whomever I need to to receive the items that are deserved.

Yes, Blizzard has to fulfill the drops, but Twitch needs to possibly resend the data to let Blizzard know since not all the data from them seems to have been received on Blizzard’s end.


per their email - “I’m so sorry for this situation. Unfortunately, we are not able to enable those drops for you, On our end you have claimed them and the game devs should unlock them for you. please reach out to their support team for further guidance.” that is what was said in the email I received from twitch. It seems no-one wants to take responsibility. So any Devs or customer support that are reviewing this please help me.

From the article l linked above. I will also point out that 1) There are no Devs on this forum, and 2) there is actually no staff that comes here beyond our SFAs (they’re the Blues you see posting about). They are more like an info-desk of sorts. They can offer insight and advice, but what they can actually fix is quite limited unless the Devs or Powers That Be give them approval.


Yes, and Twitch needs to re-send the claim to Blizzard so that Blizzard can fulfill it. Twitch cannot enable the drop, but neither can Blizzard without the logs from Twitch to show that you earned it.


I still have the inventory page that I’d be happy to share with whoever can help me. I wasn’t implying that customer service could grant the drops but may have a better opportunity to pass this along to whatever devs handle this kind of thing.

Perhaps rather than asking Twitch to grant you the drops, explain that you just need them to send the validation to Blizzard again. Asking for the things you’ve claimed and asking them to just resend the data they should have already relayed are two different requests.

I’m sorry you’re in the spot that you’re in, but from all of the many, many threads that have been posted on this forum since the drops began back with the dragon kite - Blizzard has stuck to their support post. If they get the data from Twitch, they will flag your account for the rewards, but there isn’t anything that Blizzard can do to help you, unfortunately without that data.


I’ve asked them to resend the validation data. The drops that I’m referring to started back when overwatch2 launched 3 months ago all the way up to the perpetual purple firework 11 days ago. As you might notice by the number of posts I’ve made I don’t frequent the forums. I don’t mean to be repetitive if my posts have mentioned other people’s posts. I came where I hoped help would be obtainable.

This is a known issue that Blizzard is attempting to work out with Twitch, but Twitch dropped the ball on sending all the data needed to Blizzard in the first place. Twitch is responsible for sending the data. Blizzard takes the data and fulfills the drop. If the data is not properly sent to Blizzard, they cannot fulfill the drop.

Also, did you go through the Blizzard site to link your account from there? Just doing so on the Twitch site doesn’t seem to tell Blizzard that you are linked.


I have my account linked on both twitches and the blizzard site.

This would indicate that your accounts are not properly linked, even though it may be showing that they are. As Vrakthris said above:

I would strongly advise you to try this. We have seen many people do this, and since it’s refreshing the link, the rewards showed up automatically after that. And also, what do you have to lose? If it doesn’t work, you “wasted” about 15 seconds and are in the same spot as before.

This does not indicate any account link. This promotion’s reward is obtained through a 21-digit code that was redeemed on Blizzard’s website. It’s completely different from the other drops because you are essentially taking the data that you qualify (the code) and informing Blizzard yourself (through the code redemption page).


I disconnected it and reconnected it nothing changed.