Twisting corridors for hunters extremely overtuned?

Get tar trap radius increase and get your tar trap snare to 95% and constantly keep it down, with this you don’t need your pet anymore. You’ll be screwed on caster bosses but its manageable. Recommend taking the turtle power for those types of fights. You can also outrange most spells if you stand far away enough, you’ll still be able to attack due to huntery mastery range increase.

You really should get it to 110%, 4 stacks stacks instead of 3. With 95%, depending on how long it takes they will eventually just run through the tar regardless. 4 stacks will put them at 0% movement speed which is better than 5%.

I didnt even know it could go that far, definitely then. I have never gotten higher than 3 of the powers in 18 floors :confused:

They may have stealth nerfed it. I know before you could stack it to 4. I just did layer 8 and got over 100 powers and only got 3 sticky tars. Not that it mattered. The final boss was observer, the sticky/bursting tar, in combination with bottled enigma, more than 130% move speed bonus made it so he literally couldn’t touch me. He was at 20 stacks at least before he died.

Has anyone actually played much on the other classes to be able to say with any confidence where Hunter is at relative to the other classes?

I tried and failed a layer 7 today, and I was even running the Phantasma Lure legendary because Soulforge Embers scales terribly in high TC.

It was Upper reaches to begin, Mort’regar next… then followed by another Mort’regar. I feel like Mort’regar is especially brutal for hunter, because of our weakness to magic damage and our inability to kite those ghosts. I was killing everything, taking every anima power with full Ven’ari upgrades… but I just couldn’t do it. My damage was pathetic, my survivability insufficient and eventually I reached the area where you have to grapple between platforms, on floor 16 and I just cried.

But like okay, it’s a poor fare for Hunter? But how does that actually compare to other other classes? Do we know or are we just speculating?


I got that on floor 17 layer 8 last night. Fought through for 4 hours, with 0 lives starting the floor, using a combination of the power that let’s us attack with turtle on, killing as much as I could, FD, wait for turtle to CD, and do it over and over again until all the platforms were cleared.

Then got shafted by a mob that teleports behind you and FD just deciding to not work on the final hallway. Then despite beating jerk face to the floor up, because I didn’t kill the floor boss, it wouldn’t let me go up to the next floor.

But came back tonight and finished layer 8.

I find that our damage is just too low (I am BM). I have to get very lucky with my powers if I want to be able to kill anything in the final few floors. My surviability is okay, although the pet has a habit of getting destroyed later on. But ultimately I feel like I am at the mercy of RNG. Against certain bosses I can kite infinitely and avoid their mechanics. Against others it is mathematically impossible and I just wasted three hours of my life.

It doesn’t feel good. Don’t get me wrong, I know this is a defining feature of roguelikes, though Torghast is probably better termed roguelite.


Now I get you. On my 1st try of layer 8, I spent more than 6 hours just to fail on the final hallway before even getting to the last boss. It sucks. While I get it’s supposed to be a challenge, on layer 8 most of the mobs have more HP than floor bosses in layers 3/4. Feels less like a challenge and more like a marathon.

hit layer 8 TC and, man, do other classes just seem so much better than hunter. It’d be real nice if the trueshot 90 seconds on each new floor actually worked more than once.

beat layer 8, warlocks are so much better with pets than us. I carried my own weight but so many classes(monk, dk, warlock etc) just feel so much better than hunter. Oh well, never going back to torghast for a few months, maybe we will have more fun powers by then.


Just finished twisting corridors 7 and have found the way, stacked the following:
wild spirits increases damage by 75%
hunters mark increases damage by 30%
kill command damage increased by 100%
intimidate increases crit chance and damage by 100%
dropping a trap increases damage by 75%
misdirect increases damage by 100%
eyes of the beast increases pet damage by 500%

mark target, pull, misdirect/bestial wrath, wild spirits, drop trap(or disengage to drop one if you have it), intimidate - immediately eyes of beast and then kill command.

Sit back and observe your 6-7 million kill command crit on floor 18 with all other supporting powers. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Even with only 1-2 of the other % increases stacked on non boss mobs you will 1shot or 2 shot most.

For big aoe pulls add in the wild spirits causes targets to explode on death + a 40 second turtle you can attack through, run around and pull the floor, wild spirits and explode the world. (add in a trap drop for extra damage %)


Well I hit the wall for now as MM on layer 5. It’s got those ghosts that teleport on top of you over and over, failed it twice near the end and that many hours down the drain is not the best feeling. If I keep at it I am sure I can finish it but then what are the next 3 going to be like. Might just wait until I get better gear or there is some kind of tuning… as if that will happen.

This plus the power that makes you untargetable at range makes you invincible.

Hunters can and have found success in Torghast, no questions about it. But we are 100% designed to solo the place. That may or may not be a good thing for you.

I personally only run it in a group. So 95% of our setup and strategy means eff all to your group, who just standing there doing their rotation, deal twice the damage of our perfect burst. Try getting a tank to kite the boss through your Tar Traps and Binding Shots, when all they want is their Misdirect Bonus damage. By the time we cast our 6 set-up spells, the Warrior in the group has Charged and Spammed Condemn, and killed the boss before your first Aimed Shot finished casting. So… you win, but you really didn’t have any fun.

In groups, we Hunter’s Mark, and we Misdirect, and someone else wins the game before we get started. It’s just the nature of Torghast right now. We take a lot of moving parts to do high damage, where other classes can just pop 1 CD and spam away.

Also, yeah our powers are generic. No defending them. Boring AF. My Monk however? My monk has no gear. Just the Covenant Armor set, and some random heroic-5man gear to fill the holes. But I completely decimate Torghast, and out DPS my Hunter’s best builds.

As a Monk, I stack HP Obleron powers, and I have the Touch of Death legendary that makes it a 1 minute cooldown. I then take 2 ranks of the Cooldown reduction on ToD, OR the all-spell CDR, because it applies BEFORE the legendary, and makes the cooldown 0 seconds. That’s right, a NO cooldown Touch of Death. I grab the anima power that makes TOD buff Fortifying Brew’s health increase by 5% per application, and by the end boss, I have more HP than he does. I can pop Fortifying Brew and 1-shot the boss. GG. Sounds like a lot of moving parts, but it isn’t. It’s 3 anima powers. I can get the CDR from one of two commons, and the other is a rare iirc. I’ve never failed to get all 3 in a run yet. The CDR ones are always a vendor option, so worst case, I get my build by floor 3.

So your buddy on his Monk who cleared 18 floors while you did 5? Yeah, it’s probably because he 1-shot everything in the whole damn tower after only 3 anima powers. That’s literally how all my Torghasts go on my Monk.

I love my Hunter, but after this week, I have x2 Rank 4 legendaries… I’d rather run TC on a class that’s more fun. My Monk is 30 less ilvl does WAY more damage, and clears way faster. I never have to CC, or be careful. I pretty much just stack HP, movement speed and charges of Roll, so I can win faster.

People listing their anima builds, their setup, their rotation… it’s all a bad joke. It’s an insult. You know what my Monk’s rotation is?

Step 1: Fortifying Brew
Step 2: Touch of Death…


Step 1: Charge
Step 2: Recklessness.
Step 3: Condemn. Repeat.

That’s it. And they will kill the boss, before your Tar Trap even goes off. At least with Warriors, that Anima build is tough to get in Torghast (8 Floors), but in TC, it’s a guarantee. Monks though, we’ll always have our build.

So, yeah… Hunters can get a perfect anima build, throw down 6 setup spells, and pull back the draw string on that Aimed Shot… but I promise you, if you’re in a group, they’ve already looted their Phantasma and moved on. Pop that Cheetah and try to keep up boys.


There are a few real big problems with Hunters and Torghast:

a) our legendaries are boring and don’t synergize well with anything
b) our anima powers are boring and don’t synergize well with anything

It’s particularly frustrating to do Torg on a Warlock and see common level powers that just straight up boost pet HP and damage. Why in the ever-loving F are these powers not included in BM’s available pool? BM hunters and Demon locks are THE premier pet specs of the game. It’s baffling.


This is really what I found to be true. Hunters have excellent control and can solo Torghast fine, but it’s not as exciting as some of the other classes. And it doesn’t feel as good in a group.


Acrobat’s Razor should be a Hunter class skill (for all specs) in their spell book repertoire.
/waves hand forward
Make it so Blizzard…pleeaaaasee?

You hit the nail on the head, Malcvi.

Considering how long Torghast takes, and how mandatory it is currently, it’s a real shame the experience in there is less fun on my Hunter, than my other characters.

When I’m in Torghast on my alts, I feel like I’m playing a whole new game. It’s this crazy arcade mode where I’m excited every time I get a new power, because my character feels legitimately augmented in a cool new way.

On my Hunter, it’s just % scaling, and I know that is NOT what the overall dev team had in mind for Torghast. Hunters literally got left in a state of “We have no time for this… push something out”. But that’s utter B.S. now that SL is released, and Blizzard needs to address it. I’m 100% confident that they will… 99%… okay more like 75%… I guess I need an Anima Power that buffs my confidence in Blizzard, since I know it’ll just be a % increase :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s just so frustrating because I’m talking to people as they can make these actually goofy/fun setups. Sure it’s an effective build that can also boost dmg of party members a lot, but it’s just so damn boring.

Hunter Mark increasing dmg the target take from all source by 15% per stack and the Misdirection increasing dmg by 50% per stack or reducing dmg by 90%, seem to me like hunter might be better at being the support in a Torghast group instead of solo.
Combine with other classes who got super burst powers and you get a combo who just delete Bosses in Torghast!