Twisting corridors for hunters extremely overtuned?

206 ilvl BM Hunter here. I’ve completed Layer 8 of Twisting Corridors, but it wasn’t easy. Torghast is definitely not tuned appropriately for Hunters.

  • The powers are underwhelming. In normal wings, where there are only six floors, stacking 50% to Kill Command twice and 100% extra crit on Intimidation are great. The problem is they only stack that high. In Twisting Corridors, killing slows considerably on the 7th floor and becomes a real grind on the 13th floor. The easy fix is to allow these powers to stack higher in Twisting Corridors.

  • Casters are the bane of our existence. Caster mobs will chain cast nukes that will one shot me or my pet. If I get lucky, it will be a floor with hallways and I can LOS them. If it’s platforms, however, may as well quit and start over. There is no appropriate upgrades to survive those nukes. If the end boss is a caster, it’s even worse. Check the hologram next to the traders to see what the next big boss is going to be. If you see Patrician Cromwell or another caster, just exit and start over.

  • The imbalance between classes is real. I was doing TC solo while talking in Discord with friends that were doing the same - one Monk and one DK. They started when I hit the 13th floor and the Monk finished before I did. The DK was on the 16th floor when I killed the boss on the 18th floor. It took me almost three hours and they both did it in about an hour.

  • It took me three tries to beat Layer 8 of Twisting Corridors. The first two I had casters on the 18th floor that instagibbed my pet and myself repeatedly. My third attempt I got a non-caster, but it still took me nearly five minutes of kiting him over traps to chunk away at his 12 million health.

All that being said, I think the core problem for Hunters is the same as it is in PvP and PvE. BM lacks burst and both BM/MM lack survivability.

Also, the number of asinine powers for Hunters is too high. Yel’shir’s Powerglove is a universal power offered to everyone, but the only class in the game that can’t use it is BM/MM Hunters. It’s the one that stacks up to empower a melee attack. Even casters have melee weapons they can use for that big chunky burst when needed. We literally cannot even use the power at all, but it’s often a sole choice.


I only wish I could parse purple. Blue I am usually happy if I can hold there

64 yr old reflexes with 100ms latency, cannot get the hang of mouse over cursor casting and the other leet skills a lot of you take for granted as easy peasy.

So individual button click casting mostly, only macro/s are for for on use stuff like rings a trinkets racial pet attacks ,and pet heals/rez only.
Not a Savant by any means. Easy for me to bone my rotation and or cast sequence. Most encounters I pick apart using a careful Tactical approach which is also why I end up doing a lot of content solo . I am 2nd string on a M+ group as a fill in for when one of the leet peeps go AWOL so that is a gearing plus.

Once I get muscle memory re built and figure out weaving WS and SFE into the old rotation and or now I got R.Fang to210 I might swap over just need a better shoulder option for replacing SFE shoulders Then once I get all fights figured out at least for those that go of with no surprises {don’t deal well with surprises at my age} I will prob be able to manage to keep an average 50th percentile that depending on the fight and no mess ups, I can upgrade my parse up to 75 when I get stuff right.

I quit playing beginning of Sept last year and re started just before New Years.

I was I level 195 on that TC started well ended bad run.

Got a beauty Her weapon token drop from Huntsman in my first Her castle Nathria run that same night plus 2 other 15 I level upgrades. I was using blue 165 gun and 2 other blues before.

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I did layer 1 1-18 208 mm here had no issues. Pet did fine as well hardly any deaths. Was only a cat pet too. Can’t speak of later layers tho only did 1st.

Try it as BM. That might help.

I agree fully here. I recall getting is a few times and hoping (oh how I wished) it would key on my pet who was the one doing the melee. Nope. Thanks for nothing Blizz.

I recall reading somewhere (this thread maybe) that it’s a tool-tip typo, and that it does actually work with ranged weapons. Have not tested that, but I did read it somewhere.

Two problems there…

  1. If it worked with ranged weapons, it would never stack up because all of our attacks would trigger the single stack it gave us. That alone would make it useless.
  2. I’ve had it be the only option and had to take it. A floor later, I can clearly see the 100 stack in my buffs, which stays until I leave Torghast.
  • I tried layer 1 as BM and pet insta died to floor 18 boss. Ranged damage wasn’t enough without it so had to abandon the run.
  • I tried again as MM and finished it pretty easy. Just kited the boss without pet.
  • I tried layer 2 as BM again and couldn’t get past floor 12 boss. It was the “Warden of Souls” boss who spawns adds who will only target the hunter. I feign death, try to max range, try to kill them, etc. and nothing works. I think the only chance is to get the power that obscures vision if outside of your mist.

Things I am noticing from this thread are:

  1. Every Hunter I see saying they did Layer 8 is either Night Fae or Venthyr. Wild spirits apparently can get some massive buffs and let them do huge damage to final bosses. Venthyr apparently gets giant buffs to flayed shot somehow.
  2. As Kyrian I can tell you my covenant ability gets nothing other than extra crit % and it’s already high enough.

I will try floor 2 as MM and am pretty sure I will complete it, but I am having doubts about much past that as Kyrian.

edit: did layer 2 fairly easy as MM. Had really good power drops tho.

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The powerglove definitely works with ranged weapons and counts every single hit. Rapid Fire gives you 7 stacks for example. It’s ranged auto attacks that consume the stacks.

I’ve had it do between 5-10% of my damage in regular wings.

In Twisting Corridor it was like 2% in my 400k dps opener.

I’d consider that a decent power.

I hadn’t noticed that. Now that is interesting.

I’m Kyrian, and I cleared layer 1 on my first attempt when I was still at ilevel 179, and I didn’t have my legendary at the time. I used my wolf.

I tried layer 2 a couple nights ago (I can only do this on weekends — I simply do not have time for Twisting Corridor on weekday nights, no matter how much I enjoyed it).

I had a few things stacked against me from the start (and I didn’t know it at the time): first, the enemies had that massive HP increase which I noticed but didn’t think it noteworthy, I had a so-so mixture of powers, and I got those two “worst” wings, the green one with the shades and the cold one with the swooping mawsworn… and the final boss on floor 18 was that Devourer Grokul or something like that. (Oh, I used my kodo this time around.)

I got him to Kill Shot range 3 times, but he kept hitting that 10-no-more-CC stack.

I’m gonna try again this weekend, especially now that I’ve got my legendary and I’m slightly higher in ilevel. Here’s to hoping I get better luck this time!

they changed that so you can continue to CC them past 10 stacks.

I saw you posting about that, but I didn’t know what to tell you. I had the tar powers stacked so I had it at 95% slow. On all 3 attempts when I got him to Kill Shot range, he’d instantly charge at me from right in the middle of the tar (I also had the increased radius size).

Either it was that, or he had an enrage that I didn’t know about. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Edit: and yes, I was using my Tranq shot. I’m just kind of befuddled.

Maybe. When I did layer 7, the boss got all the way up to close to 20 stacks and I was still CCing them.

Hmm. Good to know about the CC. This makes me suspect that something else was happening that I didn’t notice/know about.

To be fair, I did went in blind. Didn’t read up on any bosses, that guy was the first one I’ve had to read up on, afterwards.

Which boss was it you were on by chance? I know Skoldus does a charge, regardless of slows and what not.

It’s always easy until you get the wrong powers on the wrong boss.

Um, it was the big… devouring… yeti-like monster?

Like, he’d “extract” some orbs out of me that I can destroy to regain my health and then I’d interrupt his “devour” via bursting shot and war stomp. I THINK his name is like Grokul or something similar.

I think that’s Goxul, the Devourer. I don’t believe he has a charge. When he does his devour, he does some big AOE damage however, and I don’t believe their is a range limit to it (it might be 60 ft and I’m mixing things up).

A snare will do little to stop some of the damage he does. I’d recommend using freezing trap to buy yourself time if working on the orbs still, or perhaps even just trying to give yourself space to burst again.

However, as to a charge you mentioned earlier, he shouldn’t be using any sort of charge as far as I’m aware.

That’s exactly what I did. While I had a bad selection on damage powers, I had almost all the CC ones (except the binding shot one). I even had 2x of the Concussive shot root one.

I’ve been keeping him firmly rooted in the middle of my tar trap, and whether he gets close to getting out, I’d hit him with a concussive shot and throw down a freezing trap just in front of him to buy myself a little more time on my tar CD.

I honestly dunno what happened. All I know is that I’d hit Kill Shot once, and then WHAM! He charges at me insanely fast and splatter my guts all over the floor. And I’m the sort of player who keeps myself at great range most of time (I only ran in maybe 3 times to use my bursting shot/war stomp to stop his devour).


Wait, wait. Hold on.

I just realized a possible reason: the boss was on a raised dais (in that fiery wing).

I had him on the stairs, and I have noticed that my traps seem to be wonky on stairs. I wonder if he happened to run into a patch that was not “tarred” and shook off the slow. That would explain it, I suppose.