Twisting corridors for hunters extremely overtuned?

They were at 12 and my pet was still taunting them and traps still affected them.

Thatā€™s weird. Iā€™ll try to figure that out later when I go back to torghast after work then. Do you remember which boss you were on?

ā€œUnnatural Power no longer provides immunity to crowd controlling effects at 10 stacks.ā€

This was posted by Blizz almost a month ago.


Thank you, I must have missed that entirely then. Appreciate it.

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Iā€™ve cleared up to layer 6 in TC now, and I must admit itā€™s starting to get rough. Reading this thread Iā€™ve learnt a few things that will be useful to me, but all the same. Once you start reaching the higher levels where your pet starts dying, you start having real difficultly.

Interestingly, Iā€™m working with a theory right now that Venthyr might be the best covenant for Torghast. It turns the Kill shot damage powers into something quite potent. Iā€™ve had kill shots as high as 500k damage when all the damage amplifiers line up. If you get a kill shot window with your intimidation buff up, and if you have a few stacks of Obleron Venom, that alone is easily 200-300k. Of course at the higher levels your bosses have several million health, so that will only do so much, and besides, how many hunters are Venthyr?

Anyway, I havenā€™t see how it is for other classes, but Iā€™m starting to suspect Hunters might be one of the worst classes for Torg at the higher levels.

Iā€™ve gotten a 779k aimed shot crit, but yeah, the power that will randomly kill targets hit by kill shot does make flayed shot really enticing for Torghast.

I easily beat floor 18 playing survival, I got unlucky with bad powers too. Seems like a L2P issue to me

Of which layer?

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Iā€™m finding TC incredibly frustrating on Layer 1. It was super easy right up through floors 1-17. Then I got to the final boss and kept dying until I ran out of lives.

Tried it again as BM - as theyā€™re a bit more tanky with the pets - and again got through Floors 1-17 with no trouble at all. Then I got to the boss and burned through all my lives.

Seriously Blizzard! What a waste of several hours of gameplay. Either nerf the final bosses (on Layer 1 for jeebus sake) OR buff the hunter anima powers.

Had someone tell me they ran Layer 1 with no trouble at all ā€œjust melted the final bossā€ on a pally.


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I melted each boss layers 1 - 4 in TC. Soooo yeah.

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Spent 3 hrs in there yesterday after reading the recommendations. I have no problem running a Layer 8 for on the other runs for Soul Ash

Layer 1 TC I ended up with 67 Anima powers total. several doubles and a triple 46 Souls by floor 18. took/found a blend of Def and offensives had 92k hp at Final boss {Maw rat kill additive} Clefthoof w KI and AotB Night Fae

Killed every accessible mob opened every chest except for a 3 stack of elites right on top of the floor 17 Mini Boss. had to dodge black floor circles from prev kills severeal were repeat re appearing ones.
Two of which were empowered with 300+k hp used F Trap on boss had MD to Clefthoof on passive took a one shot and did the rez die rez while I Turtleā€™d and rezzed for real. I managed to kill the one reg elite then when F Trap came off cooldown I then frost trapped one of the 2 empoweredā€™s as the reg elite did the disappear before death re appear trick repeatedly main boss then aggroed even though well out of range of combat location was attacked as well after 2 deaths used skip fog to sneak by and thru door to 18 floor.
On final boss 2.855k HP Averaged burst hit 40K sustained was 8.5k DPS

Final Boss spawned 2 groups of 4 Adds MD only works for 5 target with cap that had 275K hp each I then cast MD SFE blew my cooldowns in Order Incl WS and by the time I re Cast BW 4 they had me focus targeted and leach drained me out while Turtle active Buff was active, burned all my resurrections and met the Tarragrue

Talked to 2 Mythic + buddies running TC as Main Raid Pally Tank who does a lot of AOE damage and other running a Priest was doing over 200K DPS on final boss Sure burned my rear.

I will say, even if Hunter are a little weaker in terms of Torgast. Failing TC on layer 1 is almost certainly a skill thing, unless you are sub 170, maybe 180 ilv, which no one should be, because of how easy it is to gear through covenant armor.

Iā€™m around 200 ilv, and things didnā€™t start getting difficult until around layer 5. I did layer 6 today, which was fine until I had Mortā€™regar as my last six floors. I still cleared itā€¦ but the difficult increase was sharp. I suppose Iā€™ll see how the final two layers are tomorrow.

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Well, itā€™s hard to understand whatā€™s going on. Your dps seems unusually low to me. Burst of 40k with sustained of 8.5k would be fine on a 6-floor Torghast run, not 18 floors.

Are you not hitting Bloodlust? Flasks and food? What is your base dps outside of Torghast? At 202 ilvl you should be around 4k sustained.

No it doesnā€™t because the power is limited to only affect targets that are within kill shot range (<20%). So if you Kill Shot something at 80% it doesnā€™t work.

Might have been that ghost boss that gaves damage reduction debuff each time it casts, must be interrupted.

Also, donā€™t run Torghast without a Clefthoof, the other pets are simply destroyed after floor 14.

It really just depends on the powers you get.

I finished the second layer of TC last evening as petless MM, absolute breeze, didnā€™t die once.

But I got pretty great powers. Had 2 of the aimed shot damage stacked, had the one that gives 100% crit chance and dmg after rooting with binding, had a few of the hunters mark makes them take increased dmg. With all that, and 80%+ more agi by the end, I was 2 tapping floor bosses and the final boss went down within 2-3 minutes.

Torghast is all about the powers. It can be impossible or a joke depending on the whim of RNGesus.

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For all the talk of running cleft hoof. I just did layer six last night with a spider. MM 200 Ilvl. Sure he died twice to the final boss but other then that he did fine. I also grab as many health increasers as I could. He had over 100k by the end. I also always go for the wild spirits enhancers 25% increase to damage well active and lower CD time. Goes down to about a minute CD. Can burst for 100k plus with that setup if you get enough increased damage. It all comes down to powers. Also the tar trap slow is really good. It basically makes enemies stationary. Donā€™t discount it.

I ran all 8 layers of TC as MM and didnā€™t really have an issue killing the last floor bosses. Yes, our powers are extremely limited, but with 18 floors youā€™ll usually get all that you need.

When it comes to clearing floor, make sure you get the extra slow on tar trap and the increased radius. You get a gigantic permanent 95% slow and nothing can touch you.

For bosses, your opener should look something like this:

  • Hunterā€™s Mark (+30% damage taken)
  • Double Tap
  • Toss a trap wherever (+75% damage done)
  • Wild Spirits (+75% damage taken)
  • Binding Shot (+100% crit chance/damage)
  • Trueshot
  • Spam Aimed Shot (with +100% damage and Careful Aim)

With that opener, you can get a 300-400k dps burst pretty easily and bosses flop over. If theyā€™re not dead by that point, you can rely on tar trap or a full 30 seconds of immunity in turtle to finish them off. Sure, itā€™s not as good as some other classes, but it did the job well enough.


I believe the word you are looking for is generic. As in, Blizz used up all their creativity for the other classes first. When they got to Hunters they just quickly cut and pasted ā€œ+X% to stat Yā€ down the spreadsheet because it was the end of the day and they needed to get home for dinner soon.

You might say, But hunters do have some unique specials!

Sure sure, apparently someone thought they would have fun and added a few Mawrat based specials that might do ok with the trash but are completely useless with the boss since, oh, thatā€™s right, there ARENā€™T any mawrats around the boss level. And youā€™ll be hard pressed to find any phasma containers either for those hoping for ā€œpetrified foodā€. And that one that gives you 60sec of road rage on each floor? Hope you can wave to the last vendor as you charge on by to the final boss before the time runs outā€¦

This isnā€™t a L2P situation, itā€™s the class being gimped while hunters look on in envy at the other classes doing upwards of ten times as much damage on a regular basis. As a pure dps class, it sickens me.


Iā€™m pretty much fuming after failing my layer 7 clear as BM. I had something of a poor fare all things considered, Mortā€™regar to open, Colheart second and Upper Reaches Third. Iā€™d been given a fairly bad selection of anima powers, with some fairly good defensive options (I had around 250k hp), but nothing too special for offensive powers. I struggled my way through floors 16 and 17ā€¦ only to have my boss be Goxul the Devourerā€¦ who had around 9 million hpā€¦ and proved to be, I will say, literally impossible. I even did the freezing trap trick, but it just couldnā€™t be done. My last attempt had me doing 22k dps, and I donā€™t think I was failing my rotation that much, my powers were just trash. Feelsbadman.

But yeah, based on what I have read that the other classes can do, it definitely feels like Hunter got gimped hard. I find that we just scale so poorly, most of my abilities tickle and Iā€™m just relying that Iā€™ll get some good obleron and elethium traits.

Not too happy right now.