
11/05/2018 10:32 PMPosted by Willybrown
I have never had a problem gearing, BFA is the easiest yet.

All of my characters from Levelers/Twinks to 120s are completely PVP viable.
The gearing system within BFA for lower level characters is in the most balanced state it has ever been. The developers are proud of this new system as they should be.

I agree. Enchanting BoAs would otherwise be sufficient, but too many brackets have completely broken items that in most cases can't be overcome by just a little elbow-grease and gold. I think a minority of posters are saying that twinks are wrong for farming items available to them -- the majority are saying they should just be queued separately. The thought of a swift nerf restoring the power balance [closer] to equilibrium is a nice fantasy, but blizzard is slow or even inept to these issues.

11/05/2018 10:32 PMPosted by Willybrown
You should make a thread about which items/specs are over tuned and in need of attention. Bringing some positive light to these issues would much better.

Again, your sentiment is in the right spot but we all know Bonus Armor existed all of WoD, taking an entire expansion to be nerfed. Untamed Blade is somehow still 200+ strength yeaaaars, Rammstein (while nerfed from legion slightly) is still terrible... Threads and bug reports do nothing, or at least do nothing in a swift manner.
I wish the people that complained about twinks had some kind of marker over them or special title "the twink hater". That way I'd know who to beeline towards and gy farm until they quit the game.
I'm sorry you feel that way
Gotta gear up or take it like a good troll.
The thought of a swift nerf restoring the power balance [closer] to equilibrium is a nice fantasy

This would be a much easier and accessible fix, that we may just see sooner than you think.

Over tuned class/spec issues.
Ramstein's trinket/Sul'thraze adjusted to current numbers, in line with all the other weapons and trinkets which seem remarkably balanced in comparison.
Some mild "Magic scaling" adjustments would be welcomed.

The tears will never stop but these would do wonders.
11/05/2018 10:45 PMPosted by Igyfarmyou
I wish the people that complained about twinks had some kind of marker over them or special title "the twink hater". That way I'd know who to beeline towards and gy farm until they quit the game.

Same goes for those who complain about Alliance at endgame.
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Alliance suck lemons, mark them all as Lemon Suckers

I don’t hate twinks, I just asked because it’s stupid to go up against a group that has nothing BUT twinks. I just find it stupid because WoW has good pvp but you can’t level in pvp or be new to pvp anymore because it’s just people playing their twinks like it makes them better. Tbh the only twinks I get are from alliance soo.


And your point is ? They asked a question not for you to nitpick them get to 120 before you try that you are still 111.

What I think is the weirdest with how Blizzard manages their PvP is how it goes astray from literally every games’ matchmaking premise: balance.

Every single game that has PvP in it puts you up against people of equal or similar skill, be it League of Legends or even f&cking ROBLOX.

When you put people through long-*ss 6 minute queues on the assumption that it’s finding people within your level bracket, we assume it’s so the match is balanced. This concept is completely destroyed when you get matched with someone whose sole purpose is to exploit and make it so that they have the greatest disadvantage they can possibly achieve, someone has clearly had the time to search for the best gear available so that they can simply stomp you with ease. How is this supposed to be balanced, a showdown of who’s the most skilled? There’s literally no point in having a queue if the resulting match is an unbalanced stomp stomp revolution.

I personally think there should be pre-established stats and specific thresholds for every single class, you should still be able to use your twink weapon effects, enchants and trinket procs, but these should be balanced within a reasonable limit. That way you’ll still be able to use your flashy items and effects, but you’ll actually need to know how to play your class effectively to do so.

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its nice to get geared up and not do that brutal grind continuously time and time again to keep up at top level.

I twinked multiple characters in Vanilla (though, nowhere near to the level of someone like Fony), and it was fun. It’s a more controllable way of min/max, as in Vanilla you were at the heavy mercy of RNG, loot council, and the raids. That was the primary avenue of gearing up, as the vast majority of the playerbase would never see high enough PvP ranks for gear.

So with twinking, you could smash, and it was very impacting, but often very expensive and scavenger hunt-like for the items you needed. A lot of the best items could not be obtained alone, or required great lengths of preparation and effort on the part of the player. The game shifted away from twinking PvP and more into PvE in Legion, and now in BfA it has been toned down but brought back.

There will always be twinking because there will always be a BiS for your character at the level intervals. Some people enjoy seeking that out and using it and experimenting with it, and others won’t. In Vanilla PvP, it was no different than a raider smashing a non-raider in PvP.

I tanked hundreds, maybe thousands of dungeons in Legion on this twink. I met people who liked to pvp and we queued for bgs together. They stopped playing and I kept tanking because it was so much fun.

What is “success”? What was the illusion, and what is reality? I have at this point 35 level 110 characters. I have not bought BfA, but if I did I would probably try a 110 and a 111.

the point is that bfa sucks so here i am at 109. i ran bgs on 3 110s in legion so the we cant handle the level cap argument is invalid

Unfortunately, the discussion isn’t about dungeons, that’s irrelevant. Success is accomplishing a real win in PVP. Overgearing so you can roll on levelers is not success, but it gives you the illusion that you’ve accomplished something. That doesn’t make it entirely wrong. It’s kind of like a doctor giving you sugar pills when you think you’re sick and you immediately say “I feel way better now!”

whats the point in these threads? you can get geared yourself you know

if you dont want to gear then dont pvp. the same would happen at the level cap, this is nothing new


I think the point is to highlight the obvious problems that the aforementioned continue to give the illusion that they do not exist and how we can fix it.

You can’t gear up to the level of a twink without being a twink yourself, quit lying to people.


you dont need to be bis either, quick acting like you do in order to compete

the real problem is op specs. arcane missiles was one shotting people at 19, thats not gear its over tuning

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you have the tools to fix it, you can get geared yourself. this is a gear based game

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