
You are actively ignoring responses in order to push your agenda.

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99% of Best In Slot gear comes from (scaled) BFA items, (dungeons).

BFA has allowed any player to obtain the very best.

Off topic, do you really dual wield as 60 surv?

If so is it viable/decent?

Laernyth no one is taking away your twink status moving you into xp off. You will up against all your twink buddies on a level playing field.

And no ones halting your xp gain in BGs :slight_smile:

at some point twinks and people who refused to level kind of mix in. when you have a character that has no longer obtainable gear for that level or any level it becomes a novelty piece and like a fine wine gets better with age. on the other side of that, people twink for tons of reasons. and if you play a game to make you happy (literally what half the things in this game are designed to do), you should play something that makes you happy. flying effortlessly through an entire mob of allies in AV and 3 shotting or even one shotting people you aren’t even targeting makes you feel ridiculously good. if you played a battleground and went 100+ killing blows and only a handfull of deaths or no deaths at all, you would understand. for those who don’t do it, it’s easy not to understand because you are on the receiving end of the stick. but when you completely annihilate the competition, it feel a thousand times better than regearing your max level character every 2 years. twinks, for the most part, have gear that becomes best in slot here and there with a few flavor of the month items and “whoops” items that slip through the cracks of blizzard’s “i don’t care” patches. but for the most part, best in slot gear changes pretty slowly, and even if it changes drastically, you most likely already have the new bis or it’s easily obtainable. so gearing your toon to get to this annihilation phase is pretty easy for the most part compared to number one raiding guild or 3k rated pvp characters. your reward is tons of honor kills and emote spams from the salty bodies that fall by the wayside as you effortlessly glide through their entire team. meet another twink in a BG? even more satisfying when i kill them too to establish dominance.
all in all, twinking is a legit play style and people dedicate to it. and as my gramma always said: don’t knock it till you try it.

no you don’t because you can’t use raptor strike or anything of that nature. it’s not that viable for your damage output

You can tell its the weekend because the twink threads are flaring up :yum:

Liking to smash lowbies and enjoying a more fair battle between two twinks are not mutually exclusive you know… I fully admit that gloabling levelers is half the fun of twinking. Of course it is. It’s fun to roll through a bg and 1v3 or 1v4 enemy players, anyone who claims that single-handedly taking down multiple players wouldn’t make them grin, at least a little bit, is lying to themselves. But that’s just half of it… seeking out and taking down other twinks on the enemy team is a very fun also. Finding that enemy twink who thinks he is an untouchable god and showing him that he too is mortal is incredibly satisfying.

There is a much more practical reason that means pretty much every twink is against combining ques. I am against it, not because I “cant handle coming up against equal toons” but simply due to que times. Que times would go through the roof if it was separated again, and absolutely no one likes sitting in a que for an hour.


I claim after the initial…maybe few weeks…it does become boring.

Do you still run around starter zones so kill 1 vs 30 npcs? No? why not? not fun to one shot npcs anymore?

Frankly, in the world…I do not grin at the thought on killing grey players. I feel bad because it is not fair.

I tried discussing this too, but because it doesn’t fit the anti-twink narrative, it’s largely ignored

Gotta click the links :roll_eyes:

At the end of the day, whatever the solution is, I hope that everyone gets games. Forcing one group or another into endless queues where there are no pops is not what anyone wants.

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"BFA made a one time rework of every creature, item, and ability in the game from 2004-2018, converting them to a system which can be more easily tuned"

Greek Community Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas

Sure if all it was was being OP it would get old. That’s what I’m saying, that it’s not just being OP that is fun about twinking. Killing other twinks is equally as fun, if not more in alot cases, as taking down a handful of non-twinks.

I’m simply pointing out that just because someone is against separating ques doesn’t necessarily mean they are only concerned with steamrolling newbs and have no interest in balanced play.

That’s a pretty disingenuous comparison. Twinking is more akin to quing up with 385 BiS raid gear into random bgs and wrecking fresh 120s. Sure it’s still an imbalanced matchup, but they are on your level and intentionally qued into PvP. That is very different than ganking someone 20 levels below you while they try and quest.


Yeah ok. So just came up against two Blood DK’s at 110 with 90k plus health and 2 healers backing them up. Impossible to kill. So much fun for them with all the juicy low hp 110’s in bg’s. Makes camping the graveyards easy. And one of them thinks it’s great to shout “KEK” all the time.

And then you wonder why people are complaining on the forums.

Don’t pvp at lvl 110. It’s only 1 level and then you are in the 111 - 119 bracket. 110 is filled with people that did not get BFA and are very geared.

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Oh I forgot xp off. Azerite trait level 26, Azerite gear level 300, 2 x legendaries at 265 ilevel. On top of that best 225 gear he can get with enchants. Well done him. He has BFA, like the rest of them have.

Well yeah people twink 110 too. Again not a bracket to spend time in leveling. They can turn exp off and go do all the BFA quest chains to collect 300 ilvl azerite gear and lvl neck piece. It takes a bit of work but yes, they will slaughtered fresh 110’s.

I think because of this queues are quite long but IDK cause I don’t play at that level

It is a lot of work I’m not denying that at all. Your solution for players to avoid 110 bg’s is not a solution. We all know what will fix it.

Actually getting gear to compete? Completely agree :smiley:


:joy::rofl::grinning: That made me laugh!