Twinks still a HUGE problem


** imgur didn’t want to upload my SS :frowning:

Oh God, please no. The horse hath been beaten.

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If your character is wearing green glasses, it’s a twink.


The frame or lenses?

Either, just green. Always green.


Sorry, I fixed that. No more glasses.

Your eyes have green around them. You’re not off the hook yet.

“Takes off the rose-colored glasses.”

If you ever played Classic before Rogue’s dmg scaling was fixed, you, learned quickly what glowing green draggers (or swords) in Battlegrounds meant. With their fantastic ability to spam Sinister Strike, Pro top skillz player right there. Alternatively, a PoM Pyro Mage with some level specific trinkets and Zerker buff, now that was a real one shot. However, the Mage was utterly useless until their CDs were back up unlike the raid boss twinks of today.

Of course twinking isn’t new, it’s has been around since Classic. It’s always been about getting a massive advantage over other players so your one button wonder spec could show how skilled you were. What separates the best / top players from the basement dwellers, top experienced players are all about pushing themselves to the next level and competing at the highest skill cap possible.

Hardcore PvE mythic raiders and highest key possible mythic dungeon progression players play to beat everyone else. Same with the top .1% of 1% of rated PvP players who are generally always in the 1% until they get tired of the same old grind. No twink can sit there with a straight face and say they XP off dodge because they have bone spurs in their fingertips…

Let’s call it what it is and move on; it’s ok that you’re below the 50% percentile in skill and need that insane gear advantage. I’m not trying to shame you as Blizzard tolerates it and has done little (Ghostcrawler days he tried) to improve the battleground experience. They’ve always focused on players getting to end game and progressing their characters. Not for players spending millions in gold or farming for months to years to stop progression and boost low self-esteem.


Are 99% twinks in it because they can’t cut end game competition, 100%? If Blizzard does nothing to fix the problem, that doesn’t mean Blizzard doesn’t care. It’s been a part of the game and the OG designers never really built that into the core framework of this MMORPG. So sit back and enjoy these basement dwellers insecurity ooze in this thread.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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Looks like you should be making a twink then, huh?


I can’t… I can’t believe this. Liking a Grey post? What is this sorcery?!?


I’m guessing you’re forgetting how 19 twink rogues actually performed in Classic. A twink rogue is the last of my concerns over a Paladin, Priest, Hunter, or Warlock.

Ah, the old “Twinks only play 19” sillyness. I hope you queue for BGs so we can meet up :wink: I’ll try to press more than 2 buttons.

Nobody needs it, its just the goal of the game. Everyone needs that insane gear advantage, its the entire point of WoW. Unless you’re a retail battlepet and transmog farmer, your primary goal should be getting the best gear possible.

Implying people couldn’t cut end game competition back in Vanilla, where you press 2 buttons and down a boss.


There. How do YOU like it? -_-

Re-merge xp-on/off queues, but disable gems (because an extra 100 primary stat is too op, and not regularly found in random rewards), keep enchantments enabled since anyone can get them (same with heirlooms), and (so xp-off people who put in the extra work can have SOMETHING) keep gear stats as they are after scaling everything up to x9. This way twinks will only have better secondary stats, but not necessarily primary (depending on gear selection like rings that may not include a primary stat), and they can re-enter queues without making so much of a difference compared to players with fully-enchanted heirlooms now.

Edit: Obviously, there will still be imbalance due to fotm class tuning, but that’s to be expected when you’re we’re not playing endgame content [yet].


Gems and AZ neck are really the only 2 problem brackets imo. So removing those from everyone levels the playing field a chunk.

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Started to inspect a player in a 70-79 battleground, and was doing considerably more damage than the rest of the players. Turns out he is a twink! I thought these weren’t allowed? Also noticed it on horde side too, people being un-killable and totally using the system unfaily

Bananaßread - Daggerspine
Phatkid - Daggerspine

All their gear is gemmed, enchanted, and has like 3 effects on it

Their guild is called ‘cupcake cuties’

Fix the system, and report the cheaters taking advantage!

Not to mention, the wrong trees are barked.

Blues are just middlemen… messengers. They’re not the guys making changes or making the decisions on what changes are made. Do you shoot the mailman because he delivered a collection letter?

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That was my thought too reading that rant… you’re mad at the wrong people here. And even getting mad at the devs is pretty silly IMO, they just do what they’re bosses tell them to, they’re just folks doing their jobs, if anyone it’s the high up decision makers that are to blame.

Saying that you want community managers to get fired and end up homeless because you don’t like the design decisions of WoW is just nonsensical. Not to mention makes your feedback irrelevant, certainly for the CMs and devs at least, when’s the last time you seriously listened to and considered the opinions of a child throwing a tantrum?


See my posts from above @Dragis. You dont need to be a twink to double or triple peoples damage. I’m playing BM while leveling and doing significantly more damage than the other players. You losing is because you’re being outplayed, adapt and play better - the point of randoms is to hone in your abilities.

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More mental gymnastics outa juga. Twinks are the ones having problems filling queues post separation, obviously they should be the ones with bots in their games. If you don’t act like a human being, expect to be treated like an animal. This is blizzards stance, deal with it.

This is hilarious. Yes I can totally see Blizzard’s stance on PVP is to act like a 12 year old internet tough guy.