Twinks still a HUGE problem

Everyone is using metaphors, what exactly is “12 year old internet tough guy” about mine? Much confused.

No. Levelers should go against bots, if anyone does.


Levelers aren’t the ones having any problems, twinks are. We don’t need, nor want bots…nobody does. Adding bots to actual PvP is a bad idea, and it’s strange that people are still pursuing this as a half-way rational idea.

They are strangely fun to play against in hots though.

Not according to this thread :joy:

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Givin the amount of people who liked the bot brawl. seems like a good idea since all the levelers >love the exp<


I’m not sure what you mean…we’re assuming the exploit gets fixed and twinks have indefinite queues. My understanding is that is why they are playing the XPon folks in the first place…not for the advantage, right twinks? :roll_eyes:

But yea, in terms of the AI brawl being ‘fun’, that’s only because it’s a change of pace. I promise you, to change the system so that bots are a normal occurrence in PvP would be an awful idea and would never be done.

And also…to clarify, you guys keep grouping non-twinks as levelers, lol. Those people can be just as hardcore about PvP as you guys. Just because they don’t use exploits to stay in brackets and own under-geared players, doesn’t mean they are simple-minded and wouldn’t care about playing against bots. If that was the case, they’d just run dungeons because playing bots is virtually the same thing. Only difference is that the mobs come to you. And if all they wanted to do was level, they wouldn’t PvP in the first place, it’s obviously not the fastest way to level up.

So no, bots are not a good idea…not in the slightest bit.

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Better than segregating players

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Not at all. That’s your choice to twink…just play like every other player and you’ll have fun. Max level PvP is just as fun.

I don’t twink. My opinion remains

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Really though, twinks are the problem. Every one of these terrible ideas is to rectify the problem that twinks exist.

But either way, bots in PvP is absolutely an atrocious idea…that’s not PvP, and a bot will never function the same way a player does. You cannot possibly think the brawls with AI play the same as they do against players. That’d just be a blatant lie.

I didn’t do that brawl but from what I hear, they did better than some actual players.

That’s not what I said. ‘Better’ as far as stats or focusing objectives, is not the point. The point is…the experience is nothing like it is against players. I’ve played it many times, and it’s drastically different.

It’s fun as a random break from the status quo, but that’s the extent I’d be willing to embrace bots in the ‘PvP’ (read: player vs player) realm…

Okay but it’s still better than alienating part of their player base. My mind won’t change and neither will yours.

My mind definitely won’t change, because the ‘alienated’ players are choosing to do that themselves, and they are a small percentage of the players. They pretend they want to play the way they want, and that’s an absolute cover-up to the truth…they love being overpowered.

Thats not true, I’m a twink and I only use a fishing pole.

Being overpowered is the goal of this game. Twinks just use more than you do in your aresenal.

Do you pass up a Berserking buff? Do you refuse to use potions you got? No? Then you’re using the same systems that twinks use to become overpowered. You just decide to draw the line in the sand at a particular area. Twinks do the same, but they’re all just a bit further down the path than you are.

Exploiting is wrong blah blah blah we get it. Hypothetically lets say Blizzard never removed twinks. How do you justify using any of your abilities to gain an advantage yet hate on twinks that do the same thing, but better by using time and game knowledge/resources.


I’m not arguing in circles with you. You can trick yourself into thinking OVERpowered is the goal, that’s fine with me.

What is the goal for you? underpowered? exactly the same powered? to the point where if you duel a dk you should both end up with 1 health?

It kinda is. The whole point of this game is to make your numbers bigger. It’s the foundation that the entire game is built upon.


Who cares, lets tear it out and start over. adding a /s here.

Transmog wins PVP, we do a trial of style then hand out Honorable Kill Medallions at the end.