Twinks still a HUGE problem

When it was posted is irrelevant. You asked for proof of what I was claiming. I gave it.

I didn’t realize you worked for Blizzard, my apologies. You clearly know better. :wink:

I did some bgs on my 20 Sham last night and almost the entire Alliance team was lvl 29 and fully twinked out lol

If I did I certainly wouldn’t say that. That opinion falls in line with their philosophy pretty well.

Oh, you work for them?

You’d think so, right?

I don’t really like the idea of PvP being turned into PvE either. I can see where people who actually want to play would hate that idea. I can’t say it would bother me for those who don’t really want to PvP, don’t bother to play the maps, etc. I guess I’m starting to get the same “tough crap for you” attitude that’s been handed out to XP off players.

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It falls in line with virtually every game developer, because it actually makes sense.

Up to 1608 posts now. I wonder how many hundred more of “I disagree” back/forth, ad nauseam?

I randomly picked this epic response out.

“What makes you upset about people gearing up a character for a competitive aspect of the game?”

There is nothing competitive about someone in +20ilvl gear facing someone in comparable trash gear.
If there was some kind of match making system that put all the ‘geared’ characters faces the other ‘geared’ characters, then it would be more of a competition.

Perhaps a system that implemented a minimum ilvl that you must meet in order to participate? Quit trying to dilute the player base more than it is now.

Still expecting everyone to cater to you aren’t you? If you want competition, step up your game. Get better gear and quit crutching on some silly notion that you can’t. Your 73 now, there’s a whole world of gear out there for you to obtain.

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Thats like the most intelligent thing youve ever said.

And then you just ruined it.

Vet accounts can post, just not starter accounts I believe.

The problem now is that twinks can never get queues ever.

I’ve waited hours and hours
 and nothing.

People resort to these tactics so that they can play the game. It’s not about destroying people, it’s about playing characters we’ve invested time into.

Separating people was not the way to go.


maybe there is a bug in the queing system. There are still plenty of twinks leveling normally for it to be a problem.
Maybe 80% of people who twink do it to beat on lower level people and since theyre separated the desire to play isnt as great.

I suggest you guys just level to max level then. You can still progress in gear, still outgear a lot of players, and still have a fun, team-based game. You miss out on beating on supremely weaker players, but that’s not what you twinks are focused on doing anyway from what we’re told.

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Neckbeards are a problem in this game
and neckbeards twink to feel powerful,

its the only time they can feel good.
I agree with OP and I say ban them for a long time if not forever. Exploiting the game for their twisted sense of fun and their sense of entitlement to do whatever they want should not be tolerated.

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I might’ve agreed with this if the separation was forewarned and clearly articulated but with the way it all went down, those exploiting can only be blamed so much.

Obviously the exploit should be hotfixed and soon- and maybe some punishment is fair given that the players abusing it know they’re in the wrong- but a long suspension might be a bit much. Bans would definitely be a bit much.

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Neckbeards are a HUGE problem in this game


People not getting with the program, where every problem is a HUGE problem are a HUGE problem. Thanks for the fix, socks.


People not knowing how HUGE these problems are is a BIGLY problem. Perhaps we need a new thread