Twinks still a HUGE problem

I hobby work on game development, so I know something is pretty simple when I understand the fundamentals of how to implement it. And i know they aren’t working with the same spaghetti code they had before. I also understand they’ve got a system where they can alter stuff en-masse via database. (Stat squish).

And I professionally work as a game developer, and I’m telling you, that’s not at all how it goes, not by a long shot. Especially at a big studio like Blizzard, on a game with millions of players.

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I know it’s not blizzard, but stuff like that happens more often than you probably think. Or stuff like “implementing x code caused y problem but didn’t appear when testing.”

You keep claiming people have said that, but I’ve yet to see it. Couldn’t be that you’re just lying, right? I’m sure you have some kind of evidence.

I sure do in one of the older threads.

So as a professional game developer, how would you fix low levels? How big of a team would you want/need?

I’m not so sure about that.

XP-on doesn’t appear to have any difficulty getting queues to pop. Maybe twinks could stand to gain from a couple AI stand-ins. :thinking:

Or we could just throw out this terrible idea.

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Segregating players was already a terrible idea.


Honestly I’m not against AIs filling queues for immediate satisfaction. However I think love term would cause issues as it might then bleed over to non-twink queues, which is why a clear separation of the two makes more sense to me.

and I have evidence that the moon is hollow and filled with unicorns.

I like this game of just saying we have evidence of something but not providing it.


It was better than nothing for the greater good of the game.

Albeit not as good as just properly adjusting scaling, which apparently is too resource-intensive an endeavor.


Agree here.

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I really don’t think it’s “too resource intense” as much as blizzard bandaid fixing it to focus on other projects (namely classic).

You have been around here with most of us even you should have seen that lol

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Grays terrible prediction was pre-separation. Not relevant to lopsided games existing or not now.

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I wouldn’t, because balancing for lower levels isn’t worth it.

Hmmm okay but I was talking about games now:

“There’s no reason to separate. Lopsided games will still happen” And people responded about that.

Looks at current state of game…

Lets not hire this guy.

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TIL It’s still January.

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