Twinks still a HUGE problem

Oh, thought I was pretty clear saying I would never want to “pvp” against bots, since that’s not pvp. Playing against bots is literally PvE…just because it’s on a battlefield with objectives doesn’t make it PvP.

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You think lower levels are balanced right now? A few tweaks and/or fixes, is not balancing.

So, if you as a player and a person don’t care about premax level balance, you are not anti twinks (since ya know, you don’t care about pre max level balance).

Now if you are anti-twinks, you care about low-level balance (since you don’t wanna get roflstomped at low levels). And you should be pushing for balance rather than separation.


Balancing the game and twinking are two very different things.

No, I’m saying they had interest in it but that petered out. Its something they should definitely have looked into rather than going forth with what they did.

Negative. They should fill the spots of players who wanted the segregation to begin with.



They could easily dedicate a team of like 3 people to deal with major problem things (Rammstein’s, ST, ele force, crusader, hunters, boomkins), add stuff like DR to stats at lower levels. Which fixes a lot of the twinks are one shotting me stuff and just becomes "this guy has a 15-20% edge on 1v1s (when they happen).

If it was that simple, they obviously would have done that.

Honestly, I think they had planned to roll out these leveling item changes and some lower level nerf things and see how it went over a couple months and decide if they needed to pull the switch. But I think someone goofed and put in the separation (cuz I could still queue with xp on players as XP off sometimes which was whack) and they just kept it, saying it was “intentional.”

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It really is that simple, they just care more about a bandaid fix so they can have those three guys working on classic which is the main focus right now imo.


Nobody goofs and accidentally implements a feature. It goes through several departments, and tons of testing, etc.

I’m sorry, I hate to sound nasty, but if you aren’t a game developer…or more specifically, if you don’t work at Blizzard, you couldn’t possibly say how easy something is.

Max level isn’t balanced right now, but they’ve made efforts to balance both over the years.

They have quite often in the past. I’m not sure if you remember, but in WoD they introduced the first tech that brought us to Templates: Gear Scaling. Gear would scale UP to the highest level for the bracket. So if the best you could get at 69 would b ilvl 180, all gear (even white items) scaled up to ilvl180.

This introduced a plethora of bufs involving low level stat weights to explode once scaled up, like bonus armor. An item with 4 bonus armor at level 1 would give 1000 at level 80. They went back and fixed nearly every instance of broken gear throughout each patch of the expansion (to my detriment :wink: )

Nowadays, they squish and you’re stuck with it. Hope the next one goes well!

Oh yes it does happen.

1-2 guys write in code, fail to note it to QA for testing cuz it’s Friday night or w/e and they come back after a weekend and forget about it.

Something like that too is literally like a switch since separation was already implemented. If xpoff=true then Z queue. (A bit simplified but tou get it).

Right, but my point is, gear isn’t the only thing that is balanced. And again, why did they stop then? Frankly, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. And as Inhuman mentioned, their new solution is to put out Classic.


Like I said, there are far better ways to get twinks back into the mainstream queue that quite literally turning PvP into PvE.

Thats exactly what I’m saying. Their solution to twinks was careless, cost cutting, and lazy. Its yet another example of leveling being removed from the game to make way for the easy solution: 60 dollar boosts.

If they were so careless as to not opt into doing that rather than separating twinking, should we encourage them to do something as careless as FURTHER separating the queues?

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Dude, dear God you’re wrong on that, lol.

Oh? But we heard without twinks lopsided games never happened :wink: and yes, this is the type of stuff we heard in twink threads :joy: