Twinks still a HUGE problem

It’s funny because twinks would still have fun if they weren’t twinks. That’s probably why Blizzard decided to separate the queues in the first place.

I know not everybody is into the rp servers, but this a huge benefit of them and why I moved to ED years ago.

Sharding and CRZ have hurt, but not nearly as much as the non rp servers.

Of all the ways to seemlessly reintegrate twinks, turning BGs into dungeons with queues still being split is the suggestion we’re sticking with?

If I smh any harder I’ll get whiplash.

True, just stating that all I love to do now is BGs.

My dream is a Mantid Lacewing mount.


If I wanted some goofy asian interpretation of the most metal insect in the world (Praying Mantis), I’d just jump off a cliff rather than live a life like that.

Are we really entertaining the idea that non-twinks would be fine playing against bots? Do you guys really consider yourselves elitists?

You occupy a small percent of the player base. Just because someone doesn’t twink, doesn’t mean they don’t want to play against players, enjoy gear progression, etc. You guys are getting more narrow with your views… :exploding_head:


But we’re the ones who are out of touch. :zipper_mouth_face:

Player base is already ultimately split up, right? This is just a different way to split it - especially that’s more in line with how end game works (no separation for vet 120 vs fresh 120).

Twinks already, quite literally, don’t have random BG queues pop. Bots would only need 5-10 players normally (wsg, ab) to queue, and I have a strong feeling that there will still be people who choose to play vs. players still.

Could it affect queue times? Totally. But it could potentially bring some players back, balancing that out.

All I’m saying is it seems to solve the problems people have of having to play vs. twinks (bots you literally don’t vs. players), and twinks being segregated because they don’t play the game the same way as levelers - which forced quite a few to quit altogether.

I’d love constructive feedback though. (:

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I can’t say for sure, but I certainly wouldn’t want to have to twink just to play people…that seems silly. I never want to play bots in a PvP setting, it’s just silly.

I don’t know about that angle, really have no opinion, but I do wonder if Classic robs a large percentage of the playerbase for pvp what will become of retail pvp?

It actually doesn’t solve anything of value and kind of upends the entire concept of PvP

So let’s maybe let this idea go, friend

Frankly I wonder if their plan is to just stop supporting retail altogether. I’d be fine with that, of course. Just take it out back and put a bullet in it already.

So you care about who you face? You keep track of names as you level? Like to what extent does it matter as a “casual leveler” past the enemy being a red bar? As a serious question.

Gear would still matter. I’m not suggesting it doesn’t. Just a different way to separate the player base that, to me, feels more like the player making an active choice.

When the pvp bot brawl was up people praised it soo… I mean hes not wrong {also I hate bots}

Inhuman…the experience playing against bots is completely different than playing against players.

I think we’re grossly overestimating the long-term success of classic.

As many here have predicted, it will explode at the start and dwindle down until a small but dedicated community remains. I give it four months.

I’m really not sure how I feel, tbh…but I actually do agree with that to some degree. There’s a whole lot of hype, and it’s really just driven by nostalgia.

They might. Go where your bread is buttered, right? I guess we’ll see.

I mean, separating players that are XP locked kind of prevents realistic PvP too (people out gearing you).

For you personally - would you queue for bots for the easier XP, or vs players where you risk playing against (and equally having) twinks.

That mantis is interesting looking, for sure.

But as an official/non official representative of Blizzard, I must, in Blizzard fashion, ask you to consider something else. You think you do but you don’t.

How about a Death’s Head Hawk Moth? I may be able to rig that up on existing animation set and save development costs.