Twinks still a HUGE problem

Nah man, it’s 40, definitely 40, none of this level 20 crap. lol

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Hey! It was level 30 for a short time too! Poor level 30 always neglected.

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Oh really? Because that is literally what you’ve been saying.

Since I am still paying for WoW I do not get to have the opinion that it is bad.

Since there are still people paying and enjoying WoW therefore it cannot be bad.

It’s entirely possible to think that current WoW is in a bad state overall, and still be subbed and having fun with certain parts of the game. That is not bullsh*tting as you call it. Like almost everything in life, peoples opinions on WoW is not black and white.

Yea. Thought so. That was lame.

I’m still paying for HBO :wink: if you catch my drift



Sock with the lethal drive-by on HBO.

Deep pull here about the two most common bg forum topics currently - this was what actually made wintergrasp great.

I loved seeing the same people every few hours and battling it out with them.

The fact that it was server based made the battle have real value and bragging rights.


Much love/hate goes out to the “Twink” (Level 80 with weird gear) prot pally that was stacking some rediculous stat to one shot me with Avengers Shield in Wintergrasp oh those many years ago.

I don’t remember his name, but I will remember him for life.

I would agree it used to. I am now surrounded by people I cannot trade with, buy from, give gold to, join guilds with, or even info click on their name in chat (not on this realm).


And half the time when you right click whisper them you get the “player not found” message, or at least I do anyway.


Lol, whenever we see horde from Frostwolf, we make it a point to kill them.

“What up, Frostwolf”?! -shoots-

I’m still in favor of just having two queues of Vs. AI or VS. Players.

Casual levelers probably don’t really care who they go against and can pretend it’s real players in a PvP setting. More competitive players can queue with people in the same mindset, rather than separating.

Casual players get their queues, and if they choose bots, having a twink on their team would be great I’m sure - right?

Competitive players will know that vs. players is gonna be harder, maybe some gear differences, and will try to gear accordingly.

As a note: give bots at least as much XP for a win as vs. players, that way people wouldn’t feel “obligated” to play vs. people.

P.S. Blizz should still balance their game at <max imo.


Agree with this. They already have two queues now. Though I would say twinks can’t queue for the bot queue.

You’re in luck, my friend. I have the following in the works for weirdos just like you:

Armored Black War Bumblebee

Deadly Rhinoceros Beetle

Glowing Click Beetles, with real bioluminescence action

Possibly Peacock/Jumping Spiders for the arachnid crowd

More competetive players can… sit in queues for hours because of the size of the playerbase you’re separating.

Boy howdy are you off on that one. :man_facepalming:

Removing twinks didn’t remove gear. Gear still matters, as it should.


They could fix it so the player queue rewards a bit more xp. If people queue it and complain they can just use the AI queue.

Me, lol I dislike questing and dungeons. I went from 10 to 120 on strictly BGs on my hunter.

Achieves from 2011. You’re not new.