Twinks still a HUGE problem

Holy hell thank you.

Dude you’re responding to seems to think it’s either “WoW is amazing and perfect and I still play it” or “WoW is garbage I don’t play anymore” and there is no middle ground, and anyone that doesn’t fall into one of those two categories is simply bullsh*tting.

I guess my opinion on the decline of the game over the many years is just…well yea, I’m surprised it’s taken this long. It can’t continually gain momentum. It’s had it’s run, we’ve had our fun, now it’s done.

Classic is probably there way of trying to transition to something that doesn’t require any effort in maintaining, updating, or improving. That way they can do something they actually want to do…developing for WoW has got to be absolutely awful.

I would recommend people to Classic. The gamers I am friends with would want choice not lottery, pvp that was old school pvp, a grind, hard won accomplishments, etc.

The lack of real life analogies still a HUGE problem!


I don’t think that at all, but good analysis attempt.

Wrath and MOP would be my two picks but id settle for any

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And that’s fine but there have been some qol improvements since. We’ll just have to wait for Classic to come out. Parts of it I’ll look forward to and parts of it not. I greatly appreciate my chauffeur in live wow.

I was just stating that younger people are still interested in the game.

Not to the extent when the game first came out.

Possibly due to the fact that there are plenty of games out there that fulfil what Blizzard is trying to do with their game, but without all of the negatives that come with trying to build that onto an existing game with differing ideologies.

Why play WoW when you could just play Warframe or Diablo or Path of Exile? Same results, easier, and better done versions of WoW endgame.

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Is Warframe even a good game? Not tried it since the PS4 first came out.

There is a lack of knowledge of what an analogy is or the purpose of them. Some people seem to get enraged when they read one. I’ve never understood why. :man_shrugging:

Most played game atm is Fortnite at 8.3 million

You guys are mixing genres though. If someone is just looking for ‘any’ game, yea they might pick those up. If they’re looking for an MMO, or social experience, WoW would fit better than any of those I’d say.

And most played in 2008 was Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

No clue, I’m not a fan of looter shooters.

I think it could have if they had stayed true to the original Blizzard mission and kept the people who were passionate about it. They went in an entirely different direction instead.

Looking forward to whatever Rob Pardo comes up with.

That and IP protection.

Poor babies.

It’s a fantastic game if you like grinding and don’t get motion sickness easily.

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I forgot about that. Hoooo boy is that game fast. Its like Titanfall 2 except against AI.

All in all, its a perfect game to hook onto young men’s endorphins to create a feedback loop or whatever nonsense people call these games.

By the way, there is relation to twinks in the vein of recent posts. Low level PvP has a smattering of older aspects of the game that are still fun.

Like decking out your character with the large variety of enchants. Running the older instances looking for specific stuff. Professions actually having usable purpose. Seeing the same people over and over again, learn their habits and tactics, develop your own to counter them = gear disparity gap lessened that much more so. To list a few.


I do not look forward to running on foot everywhere until what? Level 40? :woman_facepalming: unless I’m not remembering… maybe it’s 20? idk I like having a mount from level 1 when questing

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Exactly. The only way to settle these debates is to understand there are two valid viewpoints that are trying to play the same game.

Ignore all the people who are saying twinks have no skill. Ignore all the people saying people are just hitting 1 on they keybinds and expecting to win. Its hyperbole.

The difference is some people still want a valid leveling experience. They want leveling to be challenging, but not gatekeeping. They want gear to be relevant, but not gameending. They want the balance of Classic leveling back, which was an environment that not only accepted twinking, it encouraged it.

Some people on the otherhand, want leveling to remain the same.

Some people want the trip to 120 to be trivial enough to be done for the 40th time. Opinions might waver on twinking, but the difference is the opinion that endgame is not THE endgame.

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