Twinks still a HUGE problem

Oh for crying out loud, now it’s a matter of integrity? lmao

So if someone thinks that a video game has gone downhill, that it’s a shadow of what it once was, yet they still find some fun in the game and choose to continue with the parts they find fun… they lack integrity?

Jesus christ my dude, it’s a game, try and have a little perspective.

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I don’t disagree that there are smart people on the team, just that sometimes they make dumb decisions. In their all consuming quest to milk the player, they seem to have forgotten that the reason people do pay them is for fun.

They could have had many more months of my money, if they didn’t make content that felt more like chores than playing a game. When I walked away in disgust and got busy doing something else to the point I forgot I was even logged on, I knew it was time to quit.

I came back due to Classic hype a couple months ago. I would have only played the free version though if I had known they were going to break twinks before I could even finish gearing mine. Now, you can only twink if you unsub or don’t buy BfA, lol. Smart?

I have no interest in getting super involved in high level stuff. All my friends quit, the gearing is terrible and so is the story, I missed the gold cap era and will never catch up, and most of the content I’ve seen so far has been repetitive and boring.

PvP, while in a terrible state, still offers a bit of fun (when queues don’t completely suck or not pop at all). I may or may not stay subbed until Classic. It can’t come soon enough, and bringing it back is the one smart thing I’ve seen them do lately.


I wasn’t being condescending, I was actually commending them on being someone who actually stands by what they say.

Also, we’re not talking about it not being as good as it once was…we’re talking about it being ‘bad’.

Honestly hope it works out so they can bring back other expansions any of them are better then bfa


The dream.

All of the new “old world” updates, CATA new zones (not redoing all the old zones), raids and ect in classic.

Level 80 talents.


I can only be so prepared.

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No one is acting high and mighty because they don’t like BFA… like what, that would make no sense.

I personally think BFA is hot garbage, that is my personal opinion, I have tried to make it clear every time I discuss the expansion I am speaking for my opinions. Just because you, or some other folks, like the expansion does not mean I am wrong, this is a subjective thing here not concrete facts.

What is concrete is numbers, and subs have fallen off hard this expansion, so clearly I am not alone in my opinion. But that is neither here nor there… you can’t just say “look people still pay monthly so therefor the game is good and anyone who thinks otherwise is bullsh*tting”… that’s just not how opinions work.

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It’s not that the game is “bad”, Grohg, it’s that the game was actually better in previous iterations. We -know- that it can be better because it was better. It’s one thing to debate the potential this game might have in order to be better. It’s entirely another when the history actually exists proving that it was.

This game has gone the route of the Ford Ranger before it went out of production. Introduced officially in the 80’s, underwent a mere handful of changes between then and 2011, while charging you an ever increasing MSRP for it. As if Ford was actually adding genuinely “new” features to it and not just rolling extra bank on their already paid for R&D costs. The Ranger was good at what it was designed for, could’ve been better, always could’ve been better, but they rode it to production end.

Fast forward to now, GM/Toyota/Nissan been eating up the compact/mid size truck segment with their trucks and now Ford has a shiny new 2019 Ranger. If another large game company really committed the resources to making a true game to compete with WoW, and not a DLC content queen to be phased out in two years, things would change real quick.

We would just prefer to not have it get to that point.


My integrity isn’t in question here. My enjoyment of the game is. I’ve played this game for 15 years for the leveling experience. Nothing else. Max level raiding has interested me, but I’ve never stuck with it. Max level PVP is too intense for me to handle, I can rate high but the stress hurts my person.

The reason I unsubbed is because I don’t enjoy the game anymore. I’m not “Voting with my wallet”. I’m not making a statement by being unsubbed. The only reason I mention it is because you kept bringing it up. Its not a matter of pride, it was a decision based on my enjoyment of the game.

I’ve felt this way for years, but the removal of twinking was the one thing that put me over the edge. I’ve always had these opinions, so saying that by being subbed we’re supporting this is just wrong. We tolerate problems, and voice our feedback, and enjoy the areas of the game we can still enjoy.

In my case, the last area of the game I enjoy was removed. So I left.


Oh, no doubt, it def is a feat. No question. My only point is the feat could be so much more remarkable than it currently is.

And I think it will be. Soon.

What will answer all this is Classic. I think we are going to see a return of a lot of players (the Classic forums are full of talk about old peeps returning) and it will be interesting to see the population Retail vs Classic.

Yes actually, that is exactly what most of us are talking about.


Let’s be honest. We don’t know why the majority quit. Could be for a multitude of reasons. PC games and MMOs just aren’t the craze they once were, which could be why others haven’t taken off either.

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Right, but that goes back to my other post. First of all, they have to try different things, simply because people would complain if nothing really changes from one expansion to another. The other thing is, and you hate to say it, but I doubt they want to devote (and clearly they aren’t) the same amount of resources to a game that isn’t going away.

They surely love the ridiculous amount of money it brings in, but I can promise you it’s life draining to work in an old engine and on the same game for so long. They hinted at a new MMO, though I honestly haven’t payed any attention to that. Either way, I think we’re all sort of thinking that they care as much as they did at the start as well, which is another expectation that’s a bit too high imo.

I’d love to play BC again. I’d probably do Wrath too. Ulduar. <3


That is very fair point.

I think the biggest culprit in the decline of WoW, and PC gaming as a whole, is mobile games. Why would a dev studio put in the time and resources to make a full fledged game when for a fraction of the resources they could pump out a mobile game? And the mobile game also makes more profits btw.

From a business and money making standpoint it makes total sense, it just sucks for anyone who enjoys well made games. The “true gamer” just isn’t as profitable a customer base as the asian kids and soccer moms buying purple gems I’m afraid.

Yea. Think it’s fair to say most people were teens/20s when they started (just a guess) Teens and 20 year olds now likely aren’t going to pick up wow and those of us who were teens/20s are now adults, some with families/jobs and just won’t spend time on wow. My opinion anyway

I can follow you here to a degree. I’m of the opinion that a product just isn’t being offered to make a craze now. Most of the players that were labeled as “WoW Killers” were mostly hype machines. A different angle or feature here and there, but then sputtered out due to lack of ongoing support. Then they go a F2P model, with an in game store becoming P2W.

I wouldn’t agree. My younger brother (10 year difference) had some friends interested in playing WoW. I told them the problems with the game and they became uninterested.

Would any of you suggest this game to someone? I know for myself I haven’t in years, when in the past I used to rave on and on about it. I talk about it more like a mildly inconvenient chemical addiction. “Yeah its not so bad, but you get used to it”.

Maybe the fact that the game has stagnated so much is the reason people aren’t joining? It used to have such word of mouth power, and RaF showed the power of that.


It is precisely what I am talking about.

Wow feels like your favorite restaurant that once had spectacular chefs and service. The chefs that started the best restaurant in town left. Other chefs came, the food was still damn good, we still came for dinner, the service was still very nice. Those chefs left, the quality of the food took a hit, some wait staff was cut, everything suffered, but the food was still okay for the most part.

The next round of chefs that came in can’t compare with the previous, the wait staff is gone, the food is still edible but most don’t like the taste. Customers have dropped. :woman_shrugging:


It’s not black and white. The core of WoW is still fun, just the expansion is garbage.


That’s a bad example. You mean they didn’t even try it out so we should take that as gospel of most people? I would recommend people to this game, I just don’t know many gamers.