Twinks still a HUGE problem

Sure, I can agree there.

That’s a pretty damn low bar though :rofl:


What exactly is your point with this?

That we’re all lying to ourselves and if we’re honest we really truly do still love WoW? That WoW is still the perfect pinnacle of online gaming?

Really can’t see what you’re trying to do here besides white knighting for daddy Blizz.

Yup you got me, I’m white-knighting. :roll_eyes:

I’m just pointing out that you guys are complaining and say WoW is bad, but obviously it’s not. It’s like some of you don’t think before you type, lol.

Jina is a yuge problem. People just won’t believe. Sad!

Actually it does though. The old devs had it right. Subs were highest, people logged more hours. Expansions were looked forward to. It wasn’t even a matter of ‘newness’. LK came out years after initial release and it was through the roof.
At the time of initial split queues, the pop could mostly support it. Now the pop absolutely can’t. Why can’t it? Because too many players have departed a practically toothless game.

My sub is up on the 30th.

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There is really nothing beind said by saying that. I hate my job, but here i am… killing time or not, they’re paying me money to check our “bad” products.

That statement means nothing to game development.

Maybe we care about the game and are able to look back critically?

I meant it doesn’t matter as in you’re all here paying them monthly. The original devs were great, obviously. They created a great game…but on the other hand, do you think every expansion after WotLK would have been equally awesome with them still here?

There are lots of examples of media in general getting diluted with each subsequent release. Matrix? Haha…

Maybe? You don’t know why you pay them money to play their ‘bad’ game?



I’m not subscribed, and wont be until Classic is released.

My statement wasn’t me being aprehensive about what I was saying. It was more of a, “Perhaps look at it this way” statement.

Oh I see…so you aren’t playing WoW because it’s bad. That’s great, you’re actually sticking with your opinion, I commend your integrity then.

I thought you had to be subbed to post here?

You’re on the forums literally defending the devs from the very valid critiques they are receiving from their player base. This is the reason the forums exist, for us the playerbase to give feedback to the devs, yet here you are defending them as if blizz is some damsel in distress being ganged up on by an unruly mob.

Hey at least you’re self aware.

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No mam. Not as of late I suppose. I was only on a Legion account for a minute :wink: :wink: :wink: but now I’m totally out.

Must be glitched because there were CS threads about not being able to post in most forums and responses that it was intended.

I get you, I do, but the prob is how many is that? Thinking from a biz perspective - we’ve taken a huge plunge into the toilet on subs, and it’s impacted every aspect of this game.

Quality devs?
Quality GMs?
Quality CMs?

How many people have they laid off? What’s the price the playerbase pays because of it?

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Yep, wasn’t sarcastic either. Spot on, lol. :sweat_smile:

I’m not defending the devs, I’m just calling you out on your bullsh*t. You guys can act all high and mighty like WoW is bad and BfA stinks, yada yada…but it’s obviously not. We’re all paying to enjoy it.

Yeah that 1 blue did so much good for the community the yak. he even posted in the pvp forums a few times and its been dead since

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That could also be a product of paying the same monthly fee for 15 years when most other costs have increased crazy amounts.

For sure, but I honestly don’t think anyone didn’t expect this. WoW can’t live on forever with only more and more people subbing. It will die out, and already hitting the 15 year mark is an incredible feat.