Twinks still a HUGE problem

At least they did something with flying may not be the best thing but its something

Can’t say the same for vendors though lol

And look at the amount of people saying they’re going to quit just because there isn’t flying yet.

No regard for the damage it would do to warmode. No regard at all. They just want to drop onto world quests mindlessly and get AP.

Yeah toward the end of WOD was when I started to feel the end of passion from them. Some people may feel earlier but that’s when I started to notice less for the game

They created an MMO that millions of players are paying monthly to play, and you have the nerve to say they aren’t smart simply because you disagree with some of their decisions. :joy::joy: Holy high horse…how much money have you given them btw?

That’s why WM is such a mixed bag. You can still dismount people but some like mixed risks. But, gotta get that AP.

Yes we do :wink: I will say I’m an advocate for more equal play at max level for a few reasons:

  1. class balancing happens (rarely lately but far more often than low levels)
  2. there is an actual reward for winners only (conquest points). Low level Bgs offer experience even for losses.
  3. scaling exists, though low level pvp might benefit from this rather than segregate a portion of players.

Your right flying is a VERY VERY touchy subject way more then even twinking.

Why are you playing if you don’t think WoW is a good game? Nobody is forcing you to pay $15 / month to play a bad game, are they?

I feel they’re mostly riding the wave of not much competition right now.

I’ve played on and off since the original game, so they have a pretty good amount of my money. That said, if there was flat out a better game now, that game would have my money.

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Same reason people play the lottery when they never win. They have faith.

That might be, but that only supports their smarts even more. It’s been how many years, and still nobody has dethroned them. I’d say that’s a pretty big accomplish.

Edit: I’ll also add that if they didn’t do anything but add content, people would complain all the same about them not ‘trying’. The game has been around for so long, built upon an engine so old…peoples’ expectations are far too high for a game over 15 years old.

I haven’t seen if Classic is FTP or not…but here they are playing the ‘nostalgia card’ for your money, lol…and it’s going to work.

Aren’t most of the people that “created” the game gone now? Seems to be a pretty heavy revolving door over there. And the longer the door revolves, the more the game seems to slip into a toothless state.

Anyway, I have to agree with Rocax. If another game existed, I’d be gone. My loyalty is not to this game, but the people on it that I play with. I’ve been on and off this game for 13 years now, if my peeps were gone, I’d be gone.

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That would work if they were working hard to create a gate game despite technical limitations. They have some, but those aren’t the cause of the issues we’re facing. They’re the cause of bank sizes and misc stuff like that, not the cause of poor design decisions that slowly sap the life of the game away.

It comes with the sub.

I’ll go one better. I’m currently working on a new mount design for the in game store.

I huge armored millipede. Every body segment will have the equivalent of a guild bank’s tab of storage. Take your possessions with you, in style!

Doesn’t matter who is coming and going…you’re all still here, passionate enough to be discussing the game on their forums, involved enough to pay $15/mo.

Plenty of games have tried and failed…Rift, Tera, Wildstar, etc…and still, WoW is king.

My god… Yes…

I’m obsessed with bugs irl and the only mount I’ve ever wanted is 3m gold.

I’d pay 100 dollars for a millipede.

It’s really just BFA that is bad IMO, I still have fun in low level bgs, so that’s what I’m doing. Mainly tho I’m just killing time till classic comes out, I’ll do some low level bgs for a bit, hop over to Hots for a game or two, play some division 2 for a bit, etc… I’m really just waiting on classic TBH.

Very true.

As bad as WoW had gotten, there really isn’t a better MMORPG out there. I’ve tried pretty much all of them, they all have their own issues on top of not having the playerbase that WoW has.

You’re all kind of supporting my point though. You can say WoW is bad all day long, there is plenty in life to keep you busy, even just games-related. Yet here you all are…killing time or not, you’re paying them money to play their ‘bad’ game.

Eh, I find it better than wod. But I’m not on the vendor hype train so that helps.

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