Twinks still a HUGE problem

Just to be clear, Blizzard doesn’t just make changes because people whine about something. They’re smart enough to know how to handle aspects of the game, and don’t need players’ emotional responses to tell them what to do.

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I’m pretty sure this topic falls under “mechanical bugs or exploits” though

This topic isn’t really one topic, like Rocax has pointed out. The exploit definitely is (which they’re certainly aware of by now, lol).


You’re given a test prior to hiring now. They’ll ask you what the proper disposition is for addressing issues. The answer they seek is “tell the customer that their issue is resolved and close it.”

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It’s only scary if you go in the basement and that one worgen is in there with his um, catch of the day. :scream:

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Lmao, that’s simultaneously hilarious and sad because it’s probably true.

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Yea, just look at flying and vendors.


As funny as you post is, Grohg is (I reluctantly say this because of his demeanor lately) correct. Blizzard is smart enough to know how to handle these situations. They are VERY good at giving people what they want.

The issue arrises from the fact that what the people want isn’t good for the game. Many of us believe the removal of twinking was the last nail in the coffin for some aspects of the game, namely, leveling being an actual part of the game, rather than a 60 dollar fee you get to pay before playing.

Pandering to those who have voiced some of the opinions here is exactly how we’ve gotten to the point in the game as we have, where we are all just waiting around for the version of it that came out 15 years ago. I won’t mention which side, but if you know me you know who I’m referring to :wink:


They’re very good at giving people what they want?

Diablo Immortal says hi. :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re very good at giving a MAJORITY what they want.

China says hi :stuck_out_tongue: Now that I think of it, I think China is to blame for most issues in the game. Lets add some more hatred to Huawei!

China is a HUGE problem!


Can’t post it here, gotta start a new thread.

I’m sure posting about how China is the downfall of WoW will go well on the GD.

Say something negative about pandas there and you’re in for a beating.

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No, post it here with the other HUGE problem threads. GD has its problems too.

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I like your post, Blizzard should definitely listen.

No one will have ever made changes better than me!

That’s a fair point.

It really is a sad state isn’t it, technology and hardware has come so far in 15 years that the concept that we’d be sitting around looking forward to playing a game from back then should be absurd. Guess that just goes to show how far Blizz, and gaming industry in general, has fallen.

Remember when it used to be about actually making good games instead of how big of a pile of cash can we rake in with minimal effort? Pepperidge farm remembers.

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This this this. ^

The game now lacks teeth and soul. We wander a threatless world that is not exciting, not dangerous, and nothing happens. Most of us are bored to tears.

Warmode has taken away our pvp excitement. Where is the danger in toggling?
Loot lottery has taken away our choice and the grinds we participated in when we made a choice and pursued it.
BGs used to be places fraught with excitement at any level where people went to match gear AND skill. Now they are “leveling zones”.

Yes, I miss the old game. I miss all of it. The blood, sweat and tears of it all.

It’s no mystery that Classic is generating all the attention. The soul of this game is what we all want back!


Our version of a “Good Game” is a different version of what other players want. Some people just want pets and mounts and transmog and LFR. Others want to level, others want a fair and balanced perfect PVP environment with no gear mattering. Its really just a playerbase problem exacerbated by a few particular design choices around 10 years ago.

If you look at twink threads in the Classic forum, there are some beatiful beatdowns of people cryout out for a way to separate twinks there as well.

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Agreed. You could sense their passion back then but not now.

We can has more bags?