Twinks still a HUGE problem

I’m not at all. I get it, you only don’t like twinks who exploit this macro. But then you still go on to say other stuff. Why not just leave it at the macro twinks?

You clearly don’t get it, rofl. What I just said was in relation to what you said…and now we’re back to the exploit? You are the epitome of someone who picks what they want to argue about so you can win. This is absurd.

I agree, it is childish but to be fair, it comes from both sides.

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:joy::joy: the way people post you would think it’s a hardcore time sink (though I come from a random BG perspective only, not 3s or rated BGs)

Clearly you haven’t been reading my posts, lol…I called you out specifically. Try giving it another glance, one word at a time. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I agree. You are 9 months late to the twink discussion and think we should all be arguing from day one like you

It was probably to me lol.

Hey man, you were great fun to match against! Thanks for all the good times. :+1: Good to see you.


na but you seem to get upset really easy not hard to tell its actually really amusing hope it continues the worgen is the same

And you don’t enjoy back and forth sock made that pretty clear in that huge list of words you used so nice try. As to you you don’t say anything meaningful or accurate so nice try

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I actually haven’t been upset once in this thread, I enjoy the back and forth. But with you…sadly, it’s boring because you can’t really say anything meaningful or accurate.

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To be fair, not a lot in these threads are meaningful or accurate. A lot of anecdotes, unprovoked insults and baiting.

Like I said, you’re late to this party that’s been going on almost a year now.

E-vites going out for the HUGE problem’s first birthday in goldshire


The one year is coming up! End of summer bash

This thread in a discombobulated nutshell:

The XPon/XPoff Macro Exploit
I think that everyone agrees that exploits abusing game mechanics for an unintended purpose are bad and should not be used/exist. That said, Blizzard will choose the priority of when/how to fix that.

The Topic of Twinks in General
Obviously this is where the bulk of the debates boil down to, it’s multi-faceted and convoluted. Blizzard makes many decisions that don’t benefit twinks, yet also makes some decisions that do, some intentional and some not.

The Bottom Line
Running to Blizzard and badgering them to “fix” any aspect of the game that isn’t broken mechanically, as in through a bug or exploit, overwhelmingly ends up damaging the game as a whole. Everything beyond mechanical bugs or exploits, is pretty much a player base issue.





Yep. Well said.

As long as it’s not on a rp server. I’ve heard…things…


Well let me invite you to my server next Saturday and you can come see for yourself. :face_with_monocle:



Spot on.

Blizz hire this man

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You’re scaring me, Squeek. :laughing:

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