Twinks still a HUGE problem

I couldn’t roll my eyes any harder at your post…

I have no idea how you can say that, when I literally read and respond to everything you’ve said…despite the fact you’ve repeated things many many times.

Yes I’ve repeated to report them and let Blizzard deal with whoever, many times. Not much else can be said on this topic honestly.

So yea, not sure why you’re saying I don’t read what you say. In any case, I agree…there’s really nothing new to say in this thread. I like jumping into a debate, but the twinks have gathered in mass to insult and bicker, so I think this beaten horse is fully decomposed now.

They’re not the only ones…

You say this like you haven’t been insulting for days.


Funny enough I have a 110 DK =p
Just haven’t spent time lvling his neck though, but I did get all his BiS 300 azerite :smiley:

I’ve only responded to anyone attacking me, like that Oak fellow who lies about what I say to make me look bad because I disagree with him.

But its not…its stupid easy to get gear and roll people at max level.

Yep lol spot on

That makes it okay?

if mauden says this you know its serious XD


I am sorry you cant handle the truth bro denial is a hell of a drug

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Oh please, I absolutely have the right to defend myself against people attacking my character. I don’t start attacking people because they disagree with me.

Side note: I think it’s adorable how you all like each others’ posts constantly.

Except you are lumping twinks in together as pathetic and skill-less?

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Oy vey…are you serious dude? You’re getting as bad as Oak. You’re ignoring everything I’ve said on the subject, and simplifying my claims into 1 inaccurate, ambiguous thought.

Re-read my reply

I died to a twink one time, true story.


denial man legit even sock linked all the stuff he said