Twinks still a HUGE problem

You seem to keep coming back to this legion account thing (since you’re one of those people). The thing is, you aren’t breaking the rules doing that. You’re basically a twink, bullying people in the same way as twinks do, but Blizzard has no leg to stand on when it comes to dealing with it, since you aren’t breaking any rules.

This thread, and the point of exploiting the hack to get into XPon battlegrounds, IS breaking the rules, and that needs fixing.

My comment about the twinks being an unfair advantage is there to support the relevance of this issue. If people were exploiting a hack to, say, get free conjured mana buns, nobody would care. This exploit, however, causes an incredible imbalance in PvP which affects 10-15 people at a time, and shouldn’t be tolerated. You aren’t just hacking for your own benefit, you’re hacking for everyone else’s detriment.

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disagree since it is available to all no hacks no exploit just takes time to gear.
and for some, that is endgame and the mythic dung.

I have no problem with fixing any exploit but to outright say bullying in a game is disingenuous at best when it comes to having a Legion account

You aren’t necessarily out to bully under-geared players. But that scenario, is identical to the exploit, minus the fact you aren’t breaking any rules. I get it, you have nowhere else to go to do your battlegrounds.

You may not be one of them, but there are people who specifically don’t buy expansions so they can twink those brackets. That’s a thing. People wouldn’t do it if they didn’t have a huge advantage over the players passing through.

Whether you agree or not, this thread is about exploiting the hack to cheat in battlegrounds.

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Took you five years to get Duelist - and I guarantee the only reason you did is because BFA is a crap show, why are you even bringing up rating after touching 2200 and getting stuck?


rubs your shoulders

Ok, next round, get in there and give him the old 1, 2 combo!.


Or you know… because xp off games don’t really happen. Ever.

I’d be down to play with other twinks, but ques literally never pop, so we’re relegated to war games which just isn’t a realistic replacement for actual BG ques.

:joy: :rofl: :joy:

TIL pressing a macro is hacking.

Should really know what words mean before using them mate.

War games worked out great the last time separation occurred. But to be fair, there were probably millions more subbed to the game. It doesn’t mean it can’t happen, but probably not at the magnitude some would hope for.

As far as exploiting, I think he’s on the same path. Making a macro that allows you to bypass something is kind of what exploiting is. Then again, some people have their own definitions for things. I remember a guy a long time ago who used Game Genies to get high scores and if someone said he was a cheater, he said “it’s not cheating, it’s enhancing.”

Meh, war games were a thing but weekly war games aren’t really a replacement for regular queues. The game doesn’t have the player base to keep segregating people.


I can agree that they’re not the same as a regular queue. I just remember the first time it happened. People I know who engage in the playstyle preferred it that way because it drew the community close. Some were even upset when they merged things as it killed their community.

I definitely enjoyed it, queues were 10-15 minutes on average in the 80-89 bracket and we had a pretty good group of people. MoP launched and we started seeing people using 409ilvl MoP blues in randoms and it discouraged a lot of the people that played there - including myself. And that’s the last time I twinked :cry:

Well it’s not working out this time lol even in the most active brackets, during the most active hours, you’re looking at 2-3 games a week, at the most. That’s just not a viable replacement for regular ques.

Making a macro that allows you to bypass something is kind of what exploiting is.

Sure, no argument there. He was, and has multiple times in this thread, called it hacking though. That’s just incorrect, hacking means using third party software or hacking into the game itself and modifying files/paths/etc… Pressing a macro is not hacking. It’s a relatively small distinction, but words do have meanings, we should attempt to use them correctly. And there are actual hacks in this game, kickbots, fly hacks, duplication hacks, etc…

That sounds about right. MoP was a mixed bag anyway. Did you ever even think about dusting it off and seeing what happens after WoD came out?

That’s what Eilane was saying and I agree, it’s not an equal substitute but it’s an option that’s there. I’d rather have SOME option than nothing at all.

I think “hacking” is more of a broader term? Kinda like the word “coffee” is now. Now, it branches out into lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, etc.

However, the first thing I think of when I hear “hacking” is the 1995 film “Hackers.” Even as fake as the movie was, it’s still entertaining to this day.

Meh, I did a BG back before the XP split happened again and topped the charts ( barely lol ). Just wasn’t really into it this time around :woman_shrugging:

The fun factor just wasn’t there? Kinda sad when that fire burns out :neutral_face:

Any thoughts of trying to rekindle with Classic?

EDIT: What spec was that?

Bahaha that scene was pure gold, just the levels of absurdity are too good.

This scene from NCIS comes pretty close though in terms of ridiculousness.

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I’ll be deployed for the first 6 months after release, so that kinda sucks. But I do plan on playing, you?

It was Shadow.

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See, those things are so /facepalm to anyone with computer knowledge but still entertaining. I guess if you know nothing about computers, you would think “wow, they burnt through the firewall!”

I hope you’re safe out there when you’re deployed. I guess when you return, you can see if it lived up to the hype and worth the time commitments.

I’ll probably mess around with it. This year has had a lot of games coming that that I’m looking forward to. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, anyone?

I enjoyed classic more for the community than the gameplay. It was definitely slow and tedious at times but I think I’ll still enjoy it. I’ve been enjoying the game less and less over the years, suppose that’s what happens when you’ve been playing the same thing for 14 years eh?

I’m with you on that one. That’s one big thing I miss about Vanilla, the community. People were known on your server. Now, you’re just a face in the crowd unless you’ve somehow developed some kind of infamy. I say “infamy” because I’ve seen a couple people who are known and not in a good way.

I guess Classic is the compromise (pathfinder…) for not just doing a “WoW 2” and maybe rekindling that community. That is, however, unless that whole shard layer thing prevents it.

Blizzard has stated that the phasing issues in Beta are one of their prime areas of focus. Layering should be a good way of handling launch.