Twinks ruin leveling. SERIOUSLY

Yeah, twinks are so disconnected… The only real argument they have is that this is an mmorpg and gearing is part of that.

While i agree with that, i don’t understand how they expect levelers to farm gear for hours and buying enchants and gems for tens of thousands of gold (actual price) every single new bracket they reach. I’d probably be in a new bracket by the time i had every slot filled with bis gear. So basically to them its turn off xp and join the twinks or dont pvp at all while leveling. Wait a sec, aren’t there only like 2-3 twinks per bg? Aren’t they just a tiny minority? It should be they who have to adjust to the majority. Give them their own q and be done with it


Never separate again. Queues didn’t move fast enough and too many players quit over it.


That’s the flaw in the argument and always has been. Even if someone has the “ability” to do something, doesn’t mean they have the “capability.”

My XP-ON queues, during the split, went from an average of 15 minutes to 8 minutes. This persisted throughout the entire expansion. I read many others on the forums who said the same.

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This was removed, I think because they implemented the pvp normalization features? Obviously twinking is still a thing, but shouldn’t be as horrible as in the past.

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You say this repeatedly but have yet to provide any source to support such a claim. Then you ignore and insult people that call you out on it. Of course you will trigger people to respond when you make up garbage like a ‘consensus’ as fact.

Oh, this is just gold. Like how you got caught and called out for upvoting your own posts in twink related threads?

Here is a lovely thread where you PROVE that ‘consensus’ by saying things like ‘yeah they do’ and ‘already been done by several others’. And you just spam that until Jugajr says “Eh, just ignore him at this point. It’s like arguing with 5 year old”.

I find it hard to believe anyone could take you seriously Greyhide, given your history as a poster that makes up claims and defends them so childishly.

In no existing thread on twinks in the WoW forum can I see a clearly defined consensus for what you want to prove. Perhaps you can scavenge up something from elsewhere but at this point I’d say we all doubt it.


Umm what? Is that to me?

No. Greyhide. I’ll clarify it though.


Go get some looms and quit belly aching. Really. You can level via professions, guests, farming, exploring, pokeymon and dungeons…leave BGs alone and go melt somewhere else.


BFA queues are faster and healthier than during all of Legion, throughout all of the lower brackets.
29s, 39s, 39s, 49s, 59s, 60s 70s 80s+ brackets are shining with activity that we never saw during Legion.
Arathi Basin and Eye of the Storm are on constant rotation, which was rare to see during Legion.

Activity is up. :smiley:


I didn’t even know that they put us back in with the general populace till you made this thread. Thanks, as to the 29 bracket… WOOT WOOT HERE COMES THE PAIN TRAIN.


Go look at a twink and a full loomed toon and you tell me how the loomed toon is getting rolled over. Like I said being full loomed puts you in striking distance.

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I’m just totally amazed that after neutralizing the twink problem years ago, Blizzard let them back in. What are they thinking? Is there nobody left on the WOW development team that understands why twinks were gotten rid of to begin with?


Options while Leveling : PVP , PVE etc.
Options … if one option is not working focus on the other until you get to max level then do PvP. Will be much more enjoyable anyway.

Cause rando BGs is the only way to level…

# Greek Community Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas
posted 7 days ago by Archimtiros
“BFA made a one time rework of every creature, item, and ability in the game from 2004-2018, converting them to a system which allows allows us to just say “we can nerf these by 30%” under the hood, change one number and the rest of the game will just work.”

Gearing in BFA is the most a balanced and accessible it has ever been for the lower brackets in WoW.
There is an image available which compares how gradual the stats are increased as characters level.
Heirlooms can be enchanted and are completely on par (Better) with other options available.

Cry. Here is what happened. Twinks came onto the scene and fun was to be had. Sure people were stomped but nothing stopped people from making their own twink…I did. Then people cried…ohhh the crying, so Blizz put twinks in their own bracket…the problem was that there really was not enough players to fill a bracket so twinking slowly died. Then heirlooms happened. People in heirlooms were stomping the non heirloom wearers all over the place…what was Blizz to do…put heirlooms in their own bracket??? So Blizz finally woke up and realized that regardless of what they do there are some people who do not adapt to situations but just tend to cry…a lot. So here we are. The wrong has been righted and twinks are back. Adapt or go play pokeymon.


You should see them in Dark Souls Remastered ;.;

Oh, the pain…


Just level past them and accept that no matter what level range you are in, there will always be those that are better geared and will kick your butt. If it is bothering you now, it won’t get any different at 120.

Did they massively nerf PvP xp or something? or are you only thinking of 100-110+?

PvP is how I leveled Urakh and unlocked heritage armour, wins give a quarter to a third of a level. Losses are still 3-4 quests worth or more.

That’s a negative, it was very alive and well.