You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

The fact that they added these two npc’s says volumes on Blizzards stance.


Did they say they support it?

Those were implemented at the same time queues were split. What does that tell you?


Are you really that daft? Behsten Slahtz, Best in slot or what we call BiS. And just to remind you, yet again, twinks, themselves via a vocal minority, asked for the split.

Tell you what, let’s flip the script and you show that they don’t support it.

We are all waiting


So I’m “daft” because I’m asking where they said they support it? I mean, if they did, there would be a blue post, article
 something from them. You’re avoiding answering by asking to prove a negative.


Look what we see here.
Regalclaw - Greyhide = same account.
You have have liked your own post, confirmed.

0 HK on that 120, sounds like a solid soldier.


And upon further inspection, you have liked this post on 2 of your characters.
Necromantic, Bloodlust = Greyhide account. :rofl:

I wonder if Blizzard supports the skewing of up votes on the new forums?

What will we find next? And all that talk of the same people skewing up votes you always mention.
It is clear to see now.


Well isn’t that something.


This topic always cycles around every few months.

Really neat to go back and view the old threads to see how delusional pro-merge players were.

again this is assuming that games will be twinked vs non twinks. back in BC like 70% of the pugs you enter there would be 3-5 twinks per team. and it was competative
so stop assuming that if exp on and off were merged that levelers will just get GY farmed all game. if there are even number of twinks on both teams there is less likely a chance of it happening.

The other argument would be that twinks would stomp EXP on players
 with them not having an advantage via gear, professions, enchants or anything else is false.

Comedy gold

My counterargument is that the impact that gear and enchants have in bgs is nearly ignorable aside from the BOA vs non BOA standard.

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h ttps://

"Blizzard didn’t kill twinking.

“Twinking”, as understood by most players at the time, meant to get a character, usually a rogue, to the highest level you could within a certain battleground level bracket - level 19 was popular, as it was the highest level in the lowest level bracket, 10-19 - and then equip that character with the best equipment you could get at that level, which would be far better than anything anyone just leveling would have, especially considering you could enchant your gear with stats meant for level 60 characters.

Twinking was somewhat controversial, with many players claiming it ruined their PvP experience, and vocal twinks insisting they really just wanted to play other twinks.

Then, Blizzard made a change - they let players earn experience in battlegrounds. Knowing that all the twinks really wanted was to play each other, they introduced another change at the same time just to let twinks keep twinking - players could lock their experience, so that they would no longer earn it, and if they did, they would end up in separate battlegrounds with only other players who did the same. Leveling players would have yet another avenue to level AND be able to do so free of twinks, and twinks would have a separate set of battlegrounds just for them, where they could fight other twinks, just like they always wanted. Twinking went from being an option, to being recognised as a play style.

But twinking died anyway. Why? Well, it turns out that the vocal twinks that insisted they really just wanted to play other twinks
 didn’t speak for the majority of the twinks. The majority of the twinks just wanted to faceroll unsuspecting leveling players and earn easy honor points without any challenge. When they could no longer do that, they stopped playing their twinks. The few players who really did want to fight other twinks now found themselves without other twinks to play.

So, to sum up: Blizzard didn’t kill twinking. Twinks killed twinking by lying about why they were twinking."

I like comedy too.

EDIT: Foreign links


Twinking still seems alive and well given complaints of them.


How many more (self made) up votes will we find since the new forum launch?
It looks like this is a problem, that Blizzard should adjust within the forums.

As for you spending your time, swapping alts for likes. :rofl:

I like how you still have not answered my question yet your only focus is claiming i’m different people. I had to click on my likes to see who else I’m supposed to be. Man, I must have a lot of max level people across lots of servers. Wherever do I find the time?

Right. You and your liker happened to get a shave and haircut the exact same day/year :rofl:


Yeah man! Totally! fake laugh emote

It is really funny not fake funny.


Yeah man! Totally! fake rofl emote

Did you guys go to the same barber and swap twink horror stories?


We shop at the same store.

EDIT: I think we even went to the same cafe too, who knows.


imagine that, after all his claims of others doing it :thinking:


I gave you 1 yike, I cbf getting on my alt to give you another.

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