Twinks ruin leveling. SERIOUSLY

Didnt they make it so true twinks (xp turned off) get put I thier own pvp bracket with other twinks

This is the key point in your post. However, both sides twink so it makes no difference.

aside from its not fun for anyone who isn’t a twink because you pretty much can’t kill them as a leveling player unless the twink has no fingers

Or um get heirlooms?

i don’t think you know what you’re talking about currently

they use a lot more than just heirlooms

Guys guys I want to extend the olive branch, especially to my fellow Alliance levelers

In light of Blizzards decision to NOT force us to gain experience I wanted to plug what I consider the most fun and rewarding part of the game I’ve experienced yet.

The 119 Alliance Community.

We have over 200 players that have joined over the last two months that this community has existed.

We run 119 pre-mades pretty much all day. Maybe take a moment turn your xp off, try and get some TW gear in the upcoming Cata Timewalking event. You guys might actually have some fun.


ran into this group the other day and our team got gutter stomped and camped at our grave yard for the whole game rofl

You’re welcome :+1:

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Heirlooms bring you with in striking distance. The difference between a full loomed toon and twink is so minor as to be near irrelevant.


I’m confused
was the name Whineydruid taken?

Twinking is fun
for whatever reason, farming, pvp, old content etc. If you don’t like it, I doubt that you get much sympathy on the forums.


Oh here we go

‘‘someone else’s playstyle is different than mine’’ # 5214900

If you’re really that new, then go back to the game and learn from experience.
Nobody’s playstyle is hurting you.
Nobody is trying to upset you.
This game is meant for all kinds of playstyles and goals.

Now go do the Winterveil quests: they’re fun and relaxing.


 you just quote yourself and respond? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also: PvP happened. You might want to attempt to level a more efficient and less stressful way.


The only time twinking has ever been acceptable was in Thidranki. WoW twinks are plebs.

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1000% wrong. if you have the xp heirlooms pvp leveling is one of the best ways to level.


So you’re just gonna keep peddling this lie? You know what 7.3.5 did to heirlooms right?

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Go questing and stop complaining

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Twinks are one of the more fun and challenging parts of PvP leveling. They’re pretty rare, too.

Don’t assume everyone with a high honor level is twinked out. That dude’s probably just better than you are.


Fixed that for you.


That high from being god mode and 3 shotting everything must be fun i imagine.

The most Challenging? Lmao thanks for laugh mate

Yea the dude with nearly twice my health who just deleted me almost instantly just outplayed me hard. Now i know I’m just bad, thank you for showing me the truth


I mentioned this story once before but I actually met someone in real life who was a huge advocate of twinking and used to say the exact same thing. He used to hang out at a local gaming shop that unfortunately isn’t around anymore in our city. At the time, he had to be in his late 20s or early 30s. He only ever seemed to play games against kids.

I remember vividly one day, he was at a table playing some miniatures game with 4 other kids who were 12-13 years old. I saw one of them motion as if he were going to, I guess, attack him or something and the guy stood up halfway, cocked his fist by his belt and said “do it and see what happens.” The kid had a sad look on his face and sat down. The kids (afraid to do anything) beat each other’s armies to almost nothing. He then picked each kid off one by one. After he won, he stood up, threw his hands way up in the air and said “lol I am the friggin MASTER at this game!” Another time, I saw him in the back where they had a Wii. He played Guitar Hero on easy mode. I heard a little kid say “wow dude, you rock” and he said “lol I know, I’m pretty good at this.”

I found out he twinked when some of the guys were talking about wow PVP and he chimed in with something like “I do a lot of pvp on my twink”. They turned, looked at him and stared at him silently for like 5 seconds then turned away and resumed their conversation.