A really really long awkward drawn out sad goodbye to the twink community

If you look at honor levels, I have to agree with you. There are very rarely people below honor level 30 in any low level BGs that I’ve played, so saying that twinks prey on new players is kind of a bad argument.

I screenshot most of my BG endscreens, and very rarely do I see more than 4 new players.


Very few new players.

Are you referring to when those negative people who engage in the playstyle got upset when people on here were debunking them? A comment isn’t nonsense just because you disagree. Besides, why would anybody care about old troll comments of those negative people? Maybe 2 people and their alts did then, nobody would now.

Who decides what someone deserves? He might just be misinformed. Taking the aggressive stance really accomplishes nothing.

What about the people who’ve played since 2005? That’s not the best time frame to reference.

As far as how many “new players” there are, any comments such as “there are not very many” or “there are a lot” are 100% pure speculation. The most common reason people give for “there are not very many” is that this is a 17 year old game, which doesn’t really mean much considering I play a game that’s been around for 26 years and we get new players all the time.

I understand your feelings about what gives the game the “RPG” feeling but that will vary from person to person. There are places for everything. All kinds of people should be able to enjoy a game the way they want.

While I can sympathize for those who invested a lot of time in a character but that’s one of the “RPG elements.” World of Warcraft expands. Expansions mean all that gear you worked hard to get becomes obsolete. You can try to preserve them through the twinking method and you have every right. And I do hope that some method is introduced to allow that to happen but some others adapt to changes.

I do agree that Blizzard should have gave warning for the separation like they did before. They explained in more detail the first time, talking about how they wanted things to be fair and that was the way to go.

A lot of forum posters speak out against cheating and exploiting, but they don’t go the extra mile and actually do something to help solve the problem.

Strong work.

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Well said.

I read the forums for the QQ.

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Is that what you’d like to call it now? I really didn’t want to have to dig it all out but since you have to be this way I’ll put in the effort.

This was one of the extremely ridiculous stories you gave us to attempt to correlate it with people that play twinks. To give them a generalization and real life example.

This one was cute as well. Linking twinking with a 30 year old man being physically violent with 3rd graders.

You blatantly made the sweeping generalization that everyone wanted the separation before it happened and when told that you can’t prove that and that it was false you just obstinately repeated that it was and that proving it “had already been done by several others” and you didn’t have to. Which is untrue. You just didn’t have anything to back your claim. Your proclaimed masterful debunking is primarily you thinking you can speak on the behalf of everyone else and being full of yourself. To be clear just because it did happen doesn’t mean you were in the right.

Also you kept trying to push the term NEET onto twinks. I had to finally look it up and the only thing I could find was. “A NEET or neet is a person who is “Not in Education, Employment, or Training”. The acronym NEET was first used in the United Kingdom, but its use has spread to other countries and regions, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States.” What an insinuation… -_-

I’m not going to get into people catching that you liked your own posts with your alts in an attempt to reinforce your claim. It’s deceitful but it’s not a huge crime on these forums.

Overall, you’ve made a poor impression of yourself and IMO many people don’t take you seriously if they know anything about you as a poster.


Pretty much.

No, that was one of the stories from one of the 2 people I’ve met in real life who engage in the playstyle for the negative aspects of it.

When the negative crowd want to brag about their accomplishments, they were debunked.

Yep, I did. And I was referring to those negative people and even referenced it. You’ll find that too in your research.

I wasn’t the one who started that but it was a funny joke. Did you get triggered by it? No hard feelings, eh?

As I mentioned the other day, someone in the GD mentioned you could do this, so I did it once and then someone tried claiming they were all my alts. But thank you for bringing that up, it’s flattering.

I’m sorry your obsession makes you feel that way.

Yea Grey has thankfully eased up lately. His ridiculous posts and comparisons are what brought me to this topic and got me to try out these Bgs as a leveler.

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I think several of us have eased up. I’m sorry you didn’t agree with me but I’m glad I was able to inspire you.

Ofc I didn’t agree with any of your comparisons. “Twinks are like potholes” that was actually my favorite

I understand that some people do not even know what a comparison is nor understand their purpose, I never blamed you, to be honest.

I know what a comparison is. You just didn’t use good ones.

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Jokes aside, this was fun.

I’m not obsessed with you but I don’t like you as a poster. You can’t ignore passed incidents and sweep them under the rug. If you need a positive spin on it you could say you left an impression.


This is true.

Well, I know that’s just a bunch of horse :poop: If anything, I feel bad by how much twinks hurt him. Like it seemed like they all gave him nightmares. Anyone would act this way on no sleep for MONTHS :joy:

Never claimed I was always right. I’ve admitted I was wrong more than once in recent time.

I’m glad you speak for everybody, we need more people like you. It may consolidate these 2000+ threads.

How is that a deflection? I never denied saying it. I was just stating that I was not the source. And I’m sorry you didn’t think it was funny. Some people think “how did the chicken…” is still funny. Different strokes.

Who knows? Doesn’t really matter either. You have people here who have conversations with their alts and you pick that to obsess about. I admitted that I did it. Let it go.

By all means, don’t “let me off.” If you’re that obsessed with me, it’s very flattering.

That wasn’t a deflection. Comparisons, analogies and other useful conversation terms are not understood by several people. It wasn’t an insult. I never blame people for not understanding something. That’s wrong.

Anyway, thank you for the value-added conversation. Your contribution to the topic is appreciated.

I’m sorry if you think I was upset by anything. I can agree that some individuals take things that random people on the internet say too personally. I can’t imagine what that’s like myself.

That’s true, you’re honor level 1. Did you increase that at all?

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If it makes you feel better Jugaa, you might not understand comparisons but Greyhide doesn’t understand deflection.

Now now, Jugaa, didn’t you and I discuss ad hominem the other day? I even defended you against someone trying to toss that your way.