Twinks in xp on bgs

Is it just me or are things getting hot in here.

99 resto druids are powerful.

Mohamedaleaf are you salty?

I am just here for the memes

A decently strong 119 rogue dps this time. How many twinks can we put into this thread heh.

wonder how many posts this going to get

Classic old fashioned 70. Not fully geared though. Getting whitemend + spellfire was difficult.


what is the problem now?

my only level 20, still need the gloves though.

Aw sht vets are here.

vets gets me wets

How do I see characters on other accounts to post on?

Oh man i remember warlords of warsong used to be in that guild.

here comes the vets!!!

is there a raid in Borean tundra tonight?

I’m not sure I understand the hate against “the levelers”? Is this really how the BG forum usually is?

Its far more salt starved than GD. Its just kind of making me sad. And sleepy ::yawn::

Sorry to any who are currently queuing 90 BG’s to attempt to kill my alt… but I’m currently just trying to see if I can make a half-passing version of a mummy themed Nelf DK with mogit addon. Its a bit more interesting than this.

This character used to be a 110 twink but I am trying to get corrupted gear on him at 117 now. There is no dislike against levelers. The only dislike is the seperation of xpon and xpoff resulting in no queues for most level twinks.

mohamedaleaf i know a lvl 88 that will melt you!!!

You don’t see threads about twinks often and we’re all crawling out of the woodwork it seems.

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