Twinks in xp on bgs

2nd game Ive played with this pandaren monk. Hes level 71 and queueing into level 70 bg’s.

He hit me with a rising sunk kick for 8k.

His gear is enchanted and gemmed to the max.

He has the xp off debuff in every bg but hes in with us normies… how is this possible?

BGs scale to every 9 levels.

So he’s actually level 79

Yes I know. I’m just pointing out his level on armory

creative use of game mechanics. he’s getting xp just alot less than you.


no different than 120s who raid non stop and have no life and sh!t on non raid pvp players. get good this isn’t world of faircraft.

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You can’t stop us, no matter how hard you try.


its cheating. there are ways to abuse the exp debuff that are not intended

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its not cheating. his exp is on. was in a bg last with him and he is now level 72. its a game mechanic that blizz created to stop speed leveling. imo it’s brilliant and clever use of mechanics.

step one-get in group with xp locked player.
next- enter an instance
then- leave group

which part is an exploit ot cheat? blizzard added the DEBUFF to stop level boosting. using the same debuff to gain less xp is hurting you how while you soak up free xp?


wu-tang approves of said monk. MONK LIFE

Funny how your name is awfully similar to the monks in question…

whats the monks name? all
monks are secretly related.

I believe that’s against TOS to say

ah. no worries. i wanted to look him up.

That is the exploit, if they wanted you to do this they would just let you queue with exp off

obviously not intended


sounds like you don’t like people who optimize gear and enchants. Just because they take time to slow down and enjoy the game you have to cry. get good

they can do that with experience turned on.

you guys are crying about calling me out cheaters lmao

previous poster said his experience is on and he is leveling

i cam make a 70 toon and gear him in 4 hours and level to 100 with that gear. its not hard. used to do that in MOP. throwaway twinks

i was replying to the druid who said they are doing an exploit to slow down experience.

if that was intended they would just let you queue up yourself and not have to join and then leave a group

obviously not intended to work that way