Twinks in xp on bgs

its to curb players who use armory as a means of judging others. want to see my credentials? come on down to 110 and say hi!

I wholeheartedly agree with you. It does seem fishy but I have a feeling a lot of people commenting are of the same mindset as I. And agreed! i’m nervous but excited about shadowlands.

!play don’t call me white NOFX

110 is almost gone, 120 will likely be the next bracket to go to. It will likely be more op then 110 if corruptions are not nerfed.

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Uhh, gankhiskahn, I think that’s meant for discord not blizzard forums. Lmfaoooo

no u……….

Might as well bring in my characters.

do it. team needs you

I have quite a few.

I dont understand how THIS thread of all threads got this manyt posts.

For anyone still curious the twink has indeed hit level 72 in the past 24 hours. My alt I was leveling in BG’s is 91 so well past him.

Still feels like alts to me lol. Or a group of twink players that play together found it.


if cant beat us join us

To be fair i found this on top of the list.

quing 90s now. Mohame

so? Should that matter to me?

Even got this oldy which is currently impossible to create a new one and stay at this level.

the connotations wearing my nerves thin


okayboomie how does this make u feel

Think this one was one of my geared 110s but not sure. Oh no it was a 109 that i leveled up.

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tingling in my no no place