Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

I’ll keep repeating so all you people understand.

Blizzard should NOT allocate resources on OLD Content. Twinking is part of OLD Content.
Twinks DO NOT “maintain lower brackets alive” in any way, shape or form.
It is a niche play-style. Evidently shown to NOT have populations big enough to support itself.

You, like all twinks seem to ignore the facts. 1 twink can and consistently has ruined the experience for 19 other players. This, and this forum (which always caters to the LOUD minority) are evidence that you don’t need big numbers to cause harm.
In all my years of wow (and I have had twinks as well), I have yet to see any significant organization of this play-style, to a point where it might provide even a glimpse of reason for Blizzard to allocate resources for it.

All I hear is: I want to play the way I want and im mad others dont want to.

IF you truly cared about being competitive you’d welcome the separation
you’d organize and agree which brackets would be the only ones to play so you’d have more people on it.
organize events and times for it, and IF you were hundreds/thousands as you claim, you’d get the queues with no problem at all.

But you don’t. You want Blizzard to take time away from making new content (or attempting, however good or bad it is), to go back and maintain and “fix” old content for the sake of a small group that doesn’t event sustain the cost of dev time for them.

just stop.

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Your forgetting the biggest obstacle, and that’s most twinks only do it to grieve and steamroll other players. If every twink player stuck around then organizing games or simply filling ques in the 19 bracket wouldn’t be a problem. But that’s not what’s happening. Of the small population you had, more than half (and that’s being generous) of you are not interested in competition and are quitting twinking. Its the same thing that happened in Wrath. This is not gonna change.

That’s a mighty big rant you’ve got there, but as I explained, the separation isn’t a big deal, provided some adjustments are made so that we can actually play one another. I never once suggested there were enough of us to organize independent matches, but we might, for example, if we were able to play 5 v. 5 or via war games. This doesn’t require any changes to the battlegrounds themselves, just the queue system (e.g. required number of participants, ability to play your own faction, and so on). I’m not a software engineer, so I don’t know how much time something like this would take, but it would effectively resolve the issue, without alienating people who like to twink.

Given that WoW’s playerbase has dwindled so much in recent years, it doesn’t seem like a great idea to marginalize any portion of those who’ve stayed (especially in light of recent layoffs and a massive drop in valuation). Given that Blizzard has dedicated massive resources to Classic after years and years of the Wall of No, it’s not unreasonable to advocate in favor of changes that support niche activities. They’re clearly willing to do so, provided a sufficient number of people express interest. That’s why I’m posting here.

Finally, we’ll just have to agree to disagree on one or two twinks ruining BGs. I’ve been on both sides of this equation; enchanted BoAs and dungeon gear has served me just fine in these circumstances, provided that I stuck with my team and communicated with them.

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So, that’s why people in my 110 community are waiting in queue 2-4 hours for a single match against other twinks? I don’t think so. At the very least, this is pure speculation. And if it’s accurate, that’s all the more reason to let us play with fewer required participants.

You want 5v5, there’s arenas for that. Or feel free to go hang out at guru and fight with each other. In the end though, even reducing the bg size to 5v5 won’t save your bracket. Face the music, twinking is dead outside of the ftp/vet community. That seems to be the biggest consensus over at xpoff, not wargames. Adapt or dont.

Neither of these are substitutes for BGs. Arenas and duels are fundamentally different kinds of experiences. I would point you to my post above: Blizzard listened when it came to Classic (a niche interest if there ever were one). There’s no reason to believe they won’t do the same with twink BGs if they think there’s adequate interest (which they can’t know, really, unless we post here on the forums).

In any case, BGs may be off the table for the time being, but we still have arenas, islands, and powerleveling. Much like everything else WoW-releated, twinking has been “dead” for years. That’s just the state of most things in a game this old.

Twinking isn’t a form of cyber bullying. But it sure attracts that type of person.

My experience with it in vanilla is usually you would end up with a couple of twinks spawn camping the graveyard and dancing, squatting or doing what ever emotes on the corpses.

Might not be cyber bulling but it was far from the realm of good sportsmanship.


I just que’d with a 19 xpoff, took 8 minutes for a pop. Said average time was 15 for xpoff, 13 for xpon. Just a fyi

Good information. I’ll have to try it later. Queues at 110 say around ~40 minutes during peak times, but we’ve found that it usually takes much, much longer than the estimated time we’re given.

I have had less than 2 minute queues all day leveling from 20-80 with xp-on. It’s honestly been amazing having EVENLY matched games for once and not having games based around who has more twinks.

It seems a lot more players are queueing bgs while lvling now which is nice.


^^^This. Que’d for several on my 23 shaman and 71 rogue last night, under 5 minutes for every pop, and every match was pretty close. There wasn’t a single blowout or GY camping. Word is spreading and the community are reacting positively.


Everyone matters.

Besides, if it’s only 5 people then they weren’t really “ruining every bg” now were they?

i dont think they were but clearly if theres not enough to support 10v10 twinking it’s not as “massive” and “huge sub loss inc” as anyone claims lmao


The only thing Twinks offer to a BG at lower level brackets is frustration to the majority.

Twinks are the reason many hate BG’s. When your leveling a character and try out a BG for the first time only to be smashed over and over it turns people away from PVP.

Those who Twink only did it because they needed that advantage over people, try level cap BG’s where more and more people have gear closer to yours, i bet you find yourself frustrated due to your inability to one shot people

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I will always laugh when people refer to themselves as “Twinks” with no sense of irony or self-awareness.

Because I am a massive child.

While the ability, to one shot others and oober pown and be the highschool bullies of low lvl bgs, and to prey on the innocent is a mindset of some twinks, it doesn’t represent all of them. It be like me saying that all leveling players are mindless crybabies that whine and assault the forums whenever they get killed. It just simply is not true.

What bugs me most is people who come up with overgeneralizations and stereotypes of both sides. In low lvl pvp in legion, we were given a stat template system for all areas of pvp. I have to ask why twinks were merged again with the levelers. I know the common answer is that they would be op again and roflstomp, but, if blizzard wanted to, they could easily have kept them separated in legion.

My suggestion is more of a casual player fix, but alot of players complain about xpoff que times. Why not allow a player who has his exp off que up for a bg, with the option to turn on a stat template. Basically, you could turn on a stat template for your toon, and que with the levelers. You would also have the option of queing xpoff and turning stat templates off, causing the ques to separate and not be merged with levelers.

Doing this would at least add the option to casually pvp in exp off with realistic que times. You wouldn’t destroy players leveling, but at least you could pvp. Alot of people such as myself created those toons because you never really have to regear again with each new ex pansion.

Why you gotta necro


Nicholasfury made a nice post about improving the Battleground experience. I recommend reading it a bit.

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Make a 120 twink