Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

It’s really hard for me to feel bad for people who twink exclusively simply because it must make leveling in BG’s awful for randoms just wanting to queue up.


I understand that. Don’t pvp at 120, though; it’s the worst pvp balancing I’ve seen in an expansion to date.

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Let’s say you own a restaurant with a good location, great food and a nice atmosphere. You operate it for years with great success with a well established customer base that are loyal and enjoy the experience you have provided. But over time, a certain group of people have filtered in regularly and have made that experience become less enjoyable. Your loyal customers dislike this group, for whatever reasons and, over time, began to stop coming to your restaurant because they no longer enjoy the experience. As a result, you see a noticeable decline in patrons. The new group that filtered in are just as loyal, but you feel that their presence has hurt your business overall.
What steps would you take to try and solve this problem? Your goal is to regain the trust of those old loyal customers and get them back in, but you also realize that if you simply were to bar the newer group who “took over”, you’d lose everyone while trying to gain the old clientele back. So. What do you do?
In this case, Blizzard chose to create separate dining room for the newer group. A smaller area, since there are fewer of them, and re-open the main dining room to those old loyal customers to enjoy once again.

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That analogy only works if the people seated in the smaller area have to wait four hours for their food, while everyone else waits five minutes. And then when those patrons make recommendations to improve service to the smaller area, they’re told they didn’t really want to eat, but only ever wanted to ruin other others’ restaurant experience…


The point that if you want to be the best you should play a single player game doesn’t need to be proven wrong. It’s just an absurd statement. You thought it was profound, but in reality it’s just idiotic.

Nope, twinks are too OP and they are far too unfair in bgs. Now if they just made you not able to group up, and do it solo, fine, but it’s not what they did.

FYI think about it this way, twinks go, and people realise that the bgs might actually be fun again, more people join bgs again, or even return to WoW, because let’s face it, many people probably got annoyed because 1 twink alone wouldn’t just die. Therefore the balance is restored. The twinks are just replaced with people who have decided to come back and play the bgs,

The small room patrons can then talk to each other to make sure everyone is scattered on 1-2 tables instead of 20. That way, the owner of the restaurant will serve faster.

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I mean as in, you guys band together and decide which bracket are gonna be used. Say one bracket is 19 (because no mount), 1 is 59, and one 119. Just an example. Have those brackets more popular so the queue time is faster.

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19 is popular. So is 110, and 111-119. But getting everyone to pick a bracket is a herculean task; part of the reason people twink in the bracket they do is because they generally prefer the other content that goes along with it (I really enjoy Legion’s content, for example). We’ve tried to organize ourselves, but most people who twink don’t do so exclusively, so its hard to do on top of things like raiding, Mythic+, and max level PvP schedules. It’s not a bad idea, but it’s an impractical one in practice.

Maybe. But it’s better that than having all the non twinks loathing random bgs.

The majority of the reason why twinks steamroll battlegrounds is when there is more than 1 or two on a team. Maybe they queued together, more often then not they do. So introduce a system where you can’t queue as a group with xp off. That way bg diversity is has a wider range, and less chance to have twink stacking. I’ve played twinks at many levels for years. With the most recent iteration of BFA twinking i can’t really oneshot anyone unless i have berserking, salt water potion, int pot, int flask, and personal cooldowns. And even then its like a 2-3 shot, if i catch someone off guard and throw a few insta pyros into someone. More often than not if they have a defensive or healer, they won’t die. Speaking as a 85 twink fire mage. I have many others, 85 priest with tarecosas rest, 110 mythic antorus dh with bis azerite. If you get 2-3 people on you, you’ll most likely die and get cc chained. On mobile so sorry for formatting.

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I dont know about everyone else but when playing against a twink my groups always found ways to treat it as a challenge to kill the over geared player. To be frank we have scenarios at max level on a regular basis in which you get 1 shot in pvp just look at fire mage combos.

How is that any different than lower level brackets?

It’s not. 120 is probably the worst bracket in terms of gear disparity, and virtually every other problem associated with twinks at lower brackets. But somehow, its perfectly fine for 120s with 400+ ilvl to form premades, class stack, take every other advantage available to them, queue up for randoms, and completely crush opposing teams filled with people who just dinged. When we queue, even solo, we’re somehow doing something completely different.


Thats why I dont see the big deal, I have been on both sides of it as a twink and a basic geared leveling character. at 120 you know when you are against a pre made group pretty quick, and it sways things wayyyy more than a few twinks ever did.

Sorry you enjoy twinking but probably more than 90% of the playerbase doesn’t. Twinking community is tiny, that is why your queue are abysmal.

It is terrible going against twinks in low lvl pvp, this is a good change for the games health in general, maybe a bad change for you but majority wins.,


Buahahahaha! Oh the tears, oh the attempts at turning it around. You are truly a delight. Enjoy your que times jocko. You just made my day.


Tears? Attempts at turning what around exactly? It was an asinine statement i lol’d at it. Crying is a helluva stretch

As in life, actions taken result in consequences bestowed. Maybe the majority of twinkers merely wanted to play a part of the game they enjoy. But they’re enjoyment, which I would absolutely say the majority derived from being able rule over the field of competition, has led us to where we are. I don’t blame those players. The fault is with allowing EXP capped players to have ever competed in anything but closed queues to begin with.


I dare say there aren’t really that many throw away temp twink players. talk about a monotonous repetition for little to now reward…but hey, I don’t mind meeting one of you every now and then.

Also if bg’s aren’t meant to be part of level up process why are there xp bonus trinkets for pvp?

I don’t have a problem with BGs giving xp. Just don’t expect free wins if undergeared.