Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

This has been tried before and just means an effective ban on twinking. Twinks are one of the only things keeping low level BGs and low level content in general alive. Those of you who don’t like twinks would be unwise to side with blizz here, them coming down on people playing the game the “wrong way” has ALWAYS been bad and just homogenizes the game even more.

Do not let them slip this one under the radar. I see plenty of posts here from people opposing this change. Guess what that means? In one of the worst expansions ever these people have an active subscription.

Do not repeat the mistakes of the past. This has been done before and has failed before with massive damage to the game. Imagine if they removed flying for a second time?

Do. Not. Let. them. Get. Away. With. It.


Wait, so your the only ones keeping this content alive and yet your can’t survive in your own queue? I mean if you are the only ones doing said content, it really shouldn’t matter because all those players you would have run into would have been fellow twinks (and maybe the rare non twink who took a wrong turn) right?

Clearly that is not the case and you are actually a minority and one the majority clearly complained about enough that things were changed.


You know, I have a difficult time believing that Twinks keep the low-end brackets alive. When y’all are lumped in with people just leveling, those people have a crappy time. When y’all aren’t, you have a crappy time.

I’m starting to think that perhaps what needs to happen is caps on secondary stat percentages and primary stat values to depower Twink characters.


“THERE ARE LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF TWINKS… but we can’t find any in Q after two and a half hours for a single WSG.”


What they probably should do is get the twink community to agree upon a couple of level ranges and every play there. At least that way they will have the numbers to run BGs without having to rely upon non twinks to queue up for them.


nice job hopping on another toon lol. ur sho smheart yu allmhost fuuled me.

/places tinfoil hat upon you


How many [quote=“Abend-emerald-dream, post:6, topic:123982, full:true”]
“THERE ARE LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF TWINKS… but we can’t find any in Q after two and a half hours for a single WSG.”

How many third party communities for the game exist? We’ve got hmm… RPer’s, endgame raiders, and… oh right, twinks.

You’ll note there hasn’t been a community of levelers for this game in ages. You know why? They’ve all cancelled their subs. Twinks are soon to join them if blizzard keeps punishing people for playing the “wrong” way.

Edit: Screwed up the quote somehow not usually on the forums :\


Let them die ,Blizzard.


The community of twinks is tiny. If it were big your queue times would be fine. The argument you’re making is self defeating.

Twinking in general is funny though. The only point to it is you wanna feel big and crush leveling players into the dirt. Some weird inferiority complex.


I remember, and it wasn’t some “Proven Terrible Idea” then and it damn sure isn’t one now.

Over time, the developers decided to have a change of heart and they removed the separate queue they had in place for non exp off players. It had nothing to do with some mysterious bad idea or it was hurting the game.

Blizzard tried allowing twinks to rejoin the populace and it didn’t work. Hence the reason we are headed back to the “Exp Off Queue” being separated again.

I don’t get this crap, when twinking was popular the amount of people doing it wasn’t enough it would seem to keep their own queue a live.

What was it, like legion when Blizzard reverted that change and allowed twinks to rejoin the other group? If what I’m reading is correct it would seem like there is a lot more people twinking and so a separate queue should be fine and able to thrive.

Everyone wins, twinks get to fight other geared players, and non geared players get to pass the time leveling up doing battle grounds a long with quests and dungeons.

Minus of course the downside of always being stomped by some random player having fun at another players expense.


I’m a Male Human Paladin, we get Trust level 3 by default. But please, returning to the thread… please enlighten us as to how a group is so integral to early leveling play and the positive experience of everyone else, when there are so few you cannot even have a BG queue within a reasonable time frame.


ad hominem intensifies


Seal Clubbing loses it’s appeal when the seals are able to eat you alive.


I can tell you’ve never evenmade one or given them the time of day. Twinking is one of the last vestiges of the old game where things like BiS exist. Some people don’t want to be on this endless mobile game treadmill.

As to the population complaint imagine if you cut off a region of the game for random BGs (Like US east for example) and had it be it’s own Q. The wait times would be massive.

I legitimately do not understand twinks, so forgive me for agreeing with the dev’s on this.

why do you like it? and why do you refuse to pvp at max level?

I view twinking as a form of cyber bulling. Can you please assist in telling me why that would be the wrong form of mind?

I remember attempting to level my Void elf in BG but a twink hunter ended up just destroying the whole team racking up 72 kills in a single WSG while the alliance team had like 10 between us all.

So please tell me why you want to twink over max pvp. I do not pvp much if at all but because of twinks is another reason to the list on why I don’t pvp in the first place.


It probably wasn’t a big deal to have them in the queue together when that had strict PvP templates applied to BGs. At least in Legion twink gear really wasn’t an issue and it came down to their experience but as they have moved away from those templates in BFA, gear suddenly is a huge deal and twinks suddenly became a hot topic once again.




I just turned Exp back on, graveyard camped for a few min. then /afk so I don’t level up.


This will be just another large group of subs that are gone, twinks aren’t going to sit in 4 hour queues like they did in the past. They just quit playing.