Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

They also didn’t have BG’s at the start.

They also changed brackets from 21-30 to 20-29 because the power gap between 30 and 21 was too big. PvP exp being added was a soft limitation on twinking.

In the end it comes down to whether those individuals have an excessively unfair advantage, and they most certainly do.

I finally did a BG on one of my new alts last night while leveling and actually had fun since I wasnt getting 1 shot by twink MM hunters constantly. We lost but it was actually a close game instead of a steamroll on one side or the other.


It is a good idea when they’re impact on the rest of the community is negative. You have yet to put forward a good argument that proves your contributions to be positive. Slightly, and I mean very slight, faster que times for regular players does not equalize out the way twinks ruin the experience of the bg being que’d for. Dismissing the argument of ruining others experience with little quips like “it’s not that bad” is not a good counter argument. Long story short, this a net positive for well over 90% of the population, while only negatively effecting a very very small sliver.

I think you quoted the wrong person? O.o I like that they’ve separated them.

It’s good for the rest of the community. Any character with infinite time to optimize gear at a point in the game where most other’s are not will have a distinct unfair advantage.

So I did, my bad mate.

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Was there ever an official announcement that this was done?


Twinks don’t want to play with other twinks. They just want OS people.

I know it, I did it back in BC. Rogue 39 with x2Mangouste enchant. Double proc : 102% EVASION ahahaha

You do realize that when they introduced level locking, it immediately came with separate queues for low level battlegrounds, right? I recall playing Battlegrounds while leveling up throughout MoP/WoD, they existed even with the separate queues.

The only time this changed was when Legion launched. Stat templates evened the field between twinks and regular players by quite a bit in comparison to the past. As a result, in Legion, there was far less of a reason to keep them separate.

BfA removed stat templates, though. Thus the same historic reasons to separate twinks has come back. The gap is no longer mitigated by stat templates, and twinks once again enjoyed an overwhelming advantage. So they put them back in their own queues to keep PvP on a more even keel.

When you say “failed”, I believe you mean that it ruined PvP for twinks. That’s probably true, but it didn’t ruin PvP for everyone else. The way you say “it failed” implies that they tried it and reverted the change. That’s not what happened, the tried it and kept it in place until they implemented an entirely different system that happened to rectify the issues with twinking to a large enough extent.

They already did, and most people are happy. I realize that it’s extremely frustrating to dislike a change, particularly when everyone being happy about it makes you feel helpless. It’s disconcerting because the more people act happy the less likely it is that something you don’t like will be changed.

That is the unfortunate nature of a large player base, though. If enough people want or enjoy a change, the few who don’t aren’t likely to get what they want. It’s the same in real life on a small scale. If you hate seafood but your 7 friends are all craving seafood, you’re probably going to a seafood restaurant and ordering something that would have been better at a steak house.

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I do support our own queues, provided the necessary adjustments are made to improve queue times. It’s in another major twink thread, but some of those adjustments include letting us play matches with smaller teams (for example, 5 v. 5), and/or bringing back war games so we can organize matches within our own faction. Blizzard could also bring back rated BGs in lower brackets, which they removed because they didn’t like twinks earning gladiator titles and mounts (of course, the solution here would’ve been to simply prevent twinks from earning these rewards, instead of eliminating the option completely). Another option is to let us queue normally, but prevent us from queuing in groups (i.e. eliminating twink premades).

Twinks are aggravated because Blizzard has, time and time again, taken the laziest path when it comes to addressing complaints about twinks. Moreover, arguments against twinks are wildly inconsistent. We’re “ruining” BGs, but don’t even have enough players to support our own queues. We only want to pick on lowbies, but when we propose improvements that would make a separate queue viable, those proposals completely ignored. Low level BGs are, allegedly, such an important part of the game that players will unsub if twinks are included, but when we propose balancing low level PvP or allowing greater customization within the queue system, the argument quickly turns to why Blizzard shouldn’t waste resources on irrelevant content.

I know other 110s that are waiting up to four hours in queue to play a single match against other twinks. Some are getting a couple games per day. That doesn’t sound remotely like something they would do, if they only played to grief others.

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One twink in a 10v10 is enough to mess up the balance. That one guy one shotting all 10 enemies while the 9 of his teammates do the objectives, strolling to an easy victory.


I have never been able to one-shot anyone, in any bracket, nor have I ever been one-shot by a twink. Nor are twinks carving through ten people at a time, unless its a team missing tons of slots and decked out in whites. These are literally non-existent problems.

Oops. Posted on my rogue (which is 115, not 59? Man, someone needs to get on updating the armory).

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I was extrapolating. But if it wasn’t an issue, they would not have separated them…

Twink premades were absolutely a problem, and arguably the main problem. Lone twinks can’t determine the outcome of a game, unless there are very, very serious deficiencies in gear on the other side.


As intended:

Want to play with everyone else? Don’t twink. Want to twink? Play in your own sandbox. That’s all.

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Fine with me. Give us an actual sandbox, though - let us play on smaller teams, and bring back war games and rated BGs.

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I don’t know why this is so shocking to you. This happens every time anyone gets nerfed, anytime someone gets banned for hacking, anytime they change the drop rates because one farming spot was just a little too good… That’s just Blizzard doing their job and making sure the game is fair to everyone.

I don’t twink, but I think Blizzard is slowly killing the game with each and every stupid decision they continually make as time goes on. If you want to show dissatisfaction with the game, talk with your wallet; don’t stay subscribed.

I think something that is being largely overlooked in this thread is the reason twinks are getting put in their own queue now. The bg templates have been removed. I absolutely believe you when you say you have never oneshot someone during the template era, the templates made that virtually impossible.

However, now that the templates are gone that would definitely be possible. Twinks have historically had a lot of one shot potential and that would most definitely return without the templates in place.


I also mean post-template. My eye-beam is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a one-shot, but its an ability that hits multiple times, has a very long CD, and almost never finishes the job. One-shots just don’t happen, unless the opposing team is close to naked (which also doesn’t happen).

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Tomayto - Tomahto. You say stupid decision, I say this is literally keeping me from cancelling my sub. 100% honest here, I was bored with BfA and I was going to let my account expire until classic came out… but leveling in BG’s has always been my favorite thing in WoW and now that twinks are gone I can do that again.

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